Version History – Arma 2
From Bohemia Interactive Community
(Redirected from ArmA 2: Version History)
This article details the version history for Arma 2.
Build Numbers
Mapping "commercial" version numbers to build numbers:
Version 1.10
- Added: Support for Arma 2: Free.
- Improved: Stronger signature checking.
- Commandline option -donothing (engine closes immediately after detecting this option).
- Improved: Stronger signature checking.
- Commandline option -donothing (engine closes immediately after detecting this option).
- Fixed: USMC_SoldierM_Marksman shadow bug -dead link-
- Fixed: GP-25 smoke ammo missing images -dead link-
Version 1.09
- Various mission improvements
- Broad range of fixes and tweaks
- Updated: Merged various fixes from Operation Arrowhead
- Fixed: Stop firing at vehicle crew once it is dead. (-dead link-)
- Fixed: Rpt file no longer created in local settings when -profile is used (-dead link-)
- Fixed: Some texture or model files not loaded from mod paths starting with @. (-dead link-)
- New: -skipintro command line option to disable loading menu cutscenes.
- Fixed: I2 - mission is not failling before the takeoff.
- Fixed: C1,I1 - SD pistol mags were missing.
- Fixed: C5 - high command icons were not loaded.
- Fixed: C6 - task waypoint for transport important POW is fixed.
- Fixed: C3 - smuggler not shooting.
- Fixed: C2 - Pepan is not at the pump.
- Fixed: I1 - Shilka was too strong.
- Fixed: I1 - Razor is hunting down one enemy on whole chernarus.
- Fixed: minor fixes in (CZ/RU) dubbing protocol.
Version 1.08
- Numerous stability and functionality fixes and improvements
- Added many new scripting commands and event-handlers
- Various visual optimizations
- AI behaviour related fixes and improvements
- New: Free camera can be locked to plain objects like trees.
- New: New MP UI for Create Game (both host and remote).
- Fixed: Fps degradation when vehicles collided with rocks (-dead link-)
- New: -skipintro command line option to disable loading menu cutscenes.
- Optimized: File cache memory handling is now faster.
- Changed: foreach variable _index renamed to _forEachIndex
- Fixed: Stop firing at vehicle crew once it is dead. (-dead link-)
- Fixed: Rpt file no longer created in local settings when -profile is used (-dead link-)
- Fixed: Some texture or model files not loaded from mod paths starting with @. (-dead link-)
- Fix: Flooding of RPT file by "Cannot find Object" and similar messages after client disconnection.
- New: Scripting command HostMission.
- FIX: Engine crash with diag_log versus %
- New: MP Diagnostics logged into the mpStatistics.log file at the end of mission.
- New: VSync config option
- New: GetResolution script function
- New: forEach: variable _index added to retrieve the position of _x within the Array
- New: getVariable: default value can be defined
- Changed: Preprocessor error no longer terminates the game.
- New: getTerrainHeightASL script function
- Fixed: Reduced z-fight in scopes.
- New: event handler "fired" returns magazine name and object of projectile.
- Fixed: Slow animation step on some buildings (doors on LHD,..)
- Fixed: Alpha blend in fog.
- New: mergeConfigFile script function
- Fixed: Heads of distant soldiers were sometimes invisible (-dead link-)
- Fixed: Fired EH (-dead link-)
- Fixed: Person - helicopter collision not causing helicopter damage, (-dead link-)
- New: setSimpleTaskTarget script function
- Fixed: SetIdentity (relate to 73319)
- Fixed: Ammo created with createvehicle inflicts no "hit" damage
- Fixed: My own shots no longer causing stress.
- New: WeaponAssembled, WeaponDisassembled events
- Fixed: Nearby units are notified of vehicles created by CreateVehicle command immediately now.
- Fixed: AI helicopters hovering too high when deploying troops on transport unload WP.
- Improved: Animation interpolation no longer shortening hands.
- Fixed: Relative formation command (advance/fallback/flank) now working as expected.
- Improved: AI mounting vehicles or catching up with formation covering a bit less to move faster.
- New: Expansions possibly registered in Windows Registry (by some future setups) are loaded and available through ModLauncher.
- When used with -mod commandline the prefix '%' should be used, such as -mod=%someInstalledMod.
- New: added addWeaponCargoGlobal, addMagazineCargoGlobal, addBackpackCargoGlobal
- Improved: Improved helicopter AI formation flying and collision avoidance.
- Fixed: MPEvents were not synchronized to clients after respawn.
- Fixed: leaveVehicle no longer unassigns units from other groups (-dead link-)
- Changed: Event handlers evaluation, EH are now processed after simulation.
- Fixed: AI soldier unable to fire at targets below or above itself (-dead link-)
- New: addBackpackCargo script function
- New: Multiplayer Event MPRespawn synchronized on all clients but triggered only on the client where respawn happens.
- Fixed: Client had problems taking weapon from remote vehicle (supply target was handled locally)
- New: Multiplayer Event Handlers MPKilled and MPHit.
- Their event handlers are synchronized over network to be the same on all clients.
- Moreover, when the MPKilled or MPHit event occurs it is triggered on all clients, ie it works in a global manner.
- Use them by new scripting commands addMPEventHandler, removeMPEventHandler and removeAllMPEventHandlers.
- Fixed: Join group changes unit's side
- Changed: Airplanes parallax HUD disabled, can be enabled by "enableParallax" in config
- Fixed: execVM with a zero sized file has frozen the game.
- Fixed: Switching vision mode with fire mode
- Fixed: AI equipped with TI see through smokes
- Fixed: Commanding units with aiming deadzone
- Fixed: crash on server when loading ban.txt
- Fixed: crash in Ka52 while player as gunner
- Fixed: Shadows sometimes disappeared, esp. when sun was behind a player.
- Improved: changed tank AI driver behaviour
- New: Better clients bad CDKey checking on server.
- Fixed: Crash with AI leaving vehicle with GetOut EH (-dead link-)
- Fixed: Client with bad CD key is kicked off from server instead of being politely asked to disconnect.
- Fixed: Airplanes HUDs projected into infinity.
- Improved: Tracers visible in all directions.
- Fixed: Unable to connect to servers with equalModRequired.
- Fixed: AI stuck while in combat/stealth mode
- New: Explosive shells penetrate bushes;
- Fixed: FireAtPosition aimpoint
- Fixed: Multiplayer on LAN was crashing when GameSpy server was unavailable.
- New: GameSpy modhash key contains list of mods hashes and is used to check there are additional mods on server missing on client (yellow icon in UI).
- New: Mods contents hashes are compared instead of mods lists when equal mods are required on server.
- Fixed: Commandline -mod behavior, active Mods list in UI, ModLauncher UI dialog with better mods detection and handling.
- Fixed: Terrain shadows were too short (-dead link-)
- New: getWeaponCargo, getMagazineCargo, getBackpackCargo script commands
- Experimental: TCMalloc used as a memory allocator.
- New: Aircraft now auto-trims at high speed to prevent climbing.
- Improved: More 3D/2D resolution ratios (8:7 and 6:5) added.
- Fixed: Transport waited for dead unit to get out.
- Fixed: NV tracers visible in TI (-dead link-)
- Fixed: Decreased tank sliding.
- Fixed: Sonic Cracks and Tracers not working in multiplayer
- Optimized: Frame rate stutter near complex walkable objects (like low rock walls) caused by grass computations.
- Fixed: crew getting killed in vehicles driving from hill/slope
- Fixed: Audio unsupported sample frequency error
- Fixed: IRStrobe (-dead link-)
- Fixed: 3D editor - creating of logic center failed (-dead link-)
- Fixed: Unit in vehicle could not open gear in map.
- Fixed: client freezes when accessing ammobox (-dead link-)
- Fixed: No volume drop on distance with weapon click, car horn and etc. (-dead link-)
- Fixed: Dead player bodies disappeared after respawn.
- New: Repair vehicle and deactivate satchel charge action for engineer.
- Fixed: EEIncomingMissile event parameter
- New: Added scripting function disableTIEquipment.
- New: Artillery computer; Fire at position AI command; enableEngineArtillery script command
- Fixed: Surface sound in infinite terrain (-dead link-)
- Fixed: AI vision was not affected by light sources.
- Fixed: Birds were heard inside of a closed vehicle.
- Fixed: Scripting command isFlatEmpty did not work with non-zero third coordinate. (-dead link-)
- Fixed: TI was red instead of B/W with some settings and graphics cards.
- Fixed: Night vision simulation was not simulating color sensitivity and blue shift in dark scenes.
- Fixed: Disabled debugging message "Added texture headers from file"
- Fixed: Av8 unable to takeoff from Chernarus NE airstrip (-dead link-)
- Fixed: Fog and sky colors did not match when dark.
- Fixed: Moon rotates when moving camera (-dead link-)
- Fixed: Stars no longer visible through terrain with low view distance (-dead link-)
- Fixed: Improved game stability with a small page file.
- Fixed: Gun recoil in ironsights view was missing kick-back (-dead link-)
- Fixed: possible crash after mouse click to Prev/Next button in DisplayConfigureAction
Version 1.07
- Numerous stability and peformance improvements
- Various multiplayer fixes and improvements
- Improved support for CPUs with 4 and more cores
- Larger file cache on systems with more RAM
- Sound improvements
- AI improvements
- Game is now Large Address Aware, should improve stability and allow using more RAM with 64b OS.
- File cache size increased a lot on systems with 4 GB RAM or more.
- Fixed: C130 was crashing on takeoff.
- Fixed crash -dead link-
- Improved: -cpuCount=4 is now default on computers with more than four logical CPUs to prevent hyperthreading causing performance problems. If you want to use more CPUs, use -cpuCount=N to override this.
- Optimized: Geometry loading in now optimized for multiple cores. Extra threading now enabled by default on computers with more that 2 CPUs. New possible -exThreads values: 5 (thread geometry loading only) and 7 (thread all)
- Fixed: Crash while rendering some custom worlds, e.g Schmalfelden
- Fixed: Character animation jerky after a unit disembarked a vehicle (-dead link-)
- Fixed: Fps stayed low after spawning and deleted many units. See -dead link-
- New: Weather config values "size" and "height" for better control over the cloud layer. Default values: size = 1.0; height = max(bright,0.6)
- Improved: File handle management when more then 448 pbos are present is now more efficient.
- Improved: Increased limits to prevent "Too many virtual memory blocks requested" error.
- Fixed: Crash possible when loading map with older binarized format (pre 20, e.g. Schmalfelden).
- Fixed: Some objects were shortly "flashing" while changing LODs.
- Improved: Increased dynamic cloud layer visibility.
- Fixed: Shadow artifacts visible on some windows while moving.
- Fixed: Car horn not played in MP
- Fixed: Transient z-fight-like shadows artifacts while zooming.
- Fixed: AI vision was too good on moonless nights.
- Fixed: Steam Overlay used during loading screen no longer disabled the keyboard.
- New: Parameter exThreads=N to control extra threading. Following values of N are currently supported: 0 = no extra threads, 1 = file operations, 3 = texture loading
- "enablesimulation" fixed on dedicated server
- VoN volume slider
- Improved: Reduced stutter when looking around, esp. with visibility 5 km or more.
- Reduced parallax map artifacts on sloped terrain.
- HDRPrecision 16 or 32 respected when users selects it and card supports it.
- MP: Changed bandwidth estimation defaults as almost all players use broadband connection.
- Fixed: AI is now able to take off with Camel airplane addon.
- Improved AI airplane landing from very high altitude.
- Optimized: Grass not rendered when flying high and fast, should reduce stutter.
- New: Units report when reloading in combat situations.
- New: Units report when throwing grenades in combat situations.
- Fixed: AI Units called "covering" repeatedly while reloading.
- "Cover me", "Covering" was often told repeateadly after busy radio channel periods.
- Optimized: Fixed problems caused on some Vista systems by running too many threads at the same time.
- New: Scripting function hideObject.
- Fixed: Shining glasses on head preview in "edit player" menu.
- Changed: Removed relics from dynamic building destruction development, including scripting function deleteCollection.
- Improved: AI airplane now aiming at the ground targets using rudder as well.
- Fixed: Some AI airplanes oscillated sideways when flying slow.
- Fixed: Improved helicopter aiming with unguided rockets.
- Fixed: AT/RPG soldiers often missed targets.
- Fixed: Spatial weapon sounds
- Fixed: 3D resolution now maintained correctly when Alt-Tabbing.
- Improved: "Invalid crew" config error no longer exits to desktop.
- Fixed: The voice over net speech was often delayed more than required.
- Fixed: Window size/position was not stored after a change.
- Fixes and improvements in most of the campaign, SP and MP missions
- Improved: armor on MLRS, Ikarus and armored HMMWV.
- Fixed: speed indicator on M1030 motocycle.
- Fixed: geometry on "Objects - Illuminant Tower".
- Fixed: get-in points in GRAD.
- Fixed: graphics artifact on T72 wreck and pickup wreck.
- Fixed: shadows on ammo-boxes.
- Improved: iron signs on Makarov, M9 and M9 SD
- Improved: penetrability on wrecks of vehicles.
- Fixed: zeroing of silenced G36.
Version 1.05
- Free bonus campaign Eagle Wing
- Free bonus helicopter addon AH-64D
- New Warfare multiplayer mode When Diplomacy Fails, including 3-sides and support for diplomacy between factions
- Major AI tweaking and balancing (better combat cooperation, better situational awareness, new Suppressive fire command)
- Significant performance improvements, especially in large towns
- Fixed compatibility problems under Windows Vista and Windows 7 x64 with 8 GB and more RAM
- Grass now provides concealment also in distance
- Improved hit detection and damage system
- Improved object visibility and less significant objects popping in distance
- Spatial sound improvements
- Automatic launching of user made addons (units, missions etc.) via "pbo" file association with the game
- Possibility to switch between windowed and fullscreen mode at any time in game menus using Alt + Enter or through video options
- Various crash opportunities fixed
- Linux server support added (dedicated server file available as separate download)
- New GUI to various dedicated server settings
- DRM free for users of legitimate installs
- Optional BattlEye anti-cheat protection
- Airplane Heads-Up displays reworked
- Improved: Convoy movement a lot smoother, esp. on roads.
- Changed: AI gunners can autonomously use automatic weapons only when some automatic weapon is selected
- Improved: Cars are now following road turns and corners better.
- Improved: Enabled commanding during conversations.
- Improved: Helicopters now crashing less often when engaging ground targets.
- Fixed: Crash when copying trigger activated by a group.
- Fixed: AI subordinates in a player group were often not moving in combat until player has stopped.
- Fix: Dedicated server window has not react to some window messages often (such as focus loss)
- Changed: Destroy helicopter if on ground and upside down.
- Changed: Increased range of ILS signal from 3 to 8 km.
- Improved: increased VASI brightness to increase its visible range.
- New: BattlEye support
- Changed: Helicopters crash into the ground condition improved.
- Fixed: Helicopter with automatic gear control open gear earlier when main rotor failure.
- Improved: AI subordinates in a player lead group now respect formation when choosing a cover.
- Fixed: After revert, year was restored to 1985.
- New function x interpolate [xFrom,xTo,resultFrom, resultTo] can be used in simple expressions.
- Fixed: AI no longer switches to aware when player leader turns in in an armored vehicle, it only goes prone/crouch.
- Fixed: AI groups never went to "combat" when player was a tank commander, resulting in multiple "under fire" messages.
- Improved: AI subordinates in player's group now report Clear as appropriate unless player has given Danger command.
- Changed: AI now goes to Combat behavior automatically only when under fire, not when player is prone.
- Changed: AI follows leader stance, but does not switch to combat behavior when player is prone.
- Changed: Units now never enter cover while moving in compact (Delta or File) formations.
- Fixed: MP client could not use laser designator in vehicles.
- Fixed: Changing window size is no longer possible inside of video options screen.
- Improved: Longer view distance for objects when high view distance is used.
- New: FreeTrack support using FreeTrackClient.dll
- Changed: Formation direction now adjusts to human leader body direction, not a movement direction.
- Fixed: AI soldiers moving in Safe/Aware could sometimes be stuck near a bush or other objects.
- New: Scripting function enableAIFeature to disable new AI features when old behavior is required.
- Improved: AI covering units tend to stay close to each other.
- Fixed: MultiPlayer client crash caused by certain custom sound
- Fixed: AI subordinates now move faster (use less cover) to catch up when leader is way ahead of them.
- Fixed: AI subordinates should now respect formation more when moving in combat.
- Fixed: Group leader was often running far ahead alone in combat.
- Fixed: AI leader did not wait for a player to cover him when moving in combat.
- Fixed: Improved vehicles and motorcycles driving.
- New: Alt-Enter can be used to switch window/fullscreen while paused.
- New: Execute action with LMB can be unmapped.
- Fixed: Possible freeze under Vista/Win7 when Alt-Tabbing out of the game during progress screen.
- Fixed: Player is no more target when commanding in external view.
- New: Windowed/Fullscreen can now be switched ingame (in Video options).
- Fixed: More 32b overflows caused by 8 GB RAM + large VRAM.
- Fixed: Most vehicle gunners did not provide suppressive fire.
- Fixed: AI did not use suppressive fire against enemies seen while holding fire.
- Fixed: Spatial explosions sounds
- Fixed: Suppress in the commanding menu did nothing.
- New: Suppressive fire against known enemies can be scripted using unit suppressFor time.
- Fixed: After spawning new types of entities via script, game could randomly freeze or crash.
- Fixed: Airplane, helicopter, car and ship control was lost while map was active.
- Fixed: DOF in 3D scope view
- Analogue throttle working for helicopters as well.
- Fixed: Startup sounds are not spatial and stick to audio channels
- Covering soldier in grass ("Grass layer")
- Improved: Small hit be ignored by hitpoints (configurable by minimalHit)
- Improved: Hitpoint can pass only a part of the hit to the total damage (passthrough setting no longer ignored).
- New: IK weapon animations are now blending with primary animations.
- Fixed: VoN direct speaking distance fade out
- Fixed: support the highest Matrox TrippleHead2Go resolutions
- Fixed: FPS on Dedicated server is not affected by server window manipulation (such as move or scroll).
- Mouse lag can caused by GPU render ahead buffer be limited using GPU_MaxFramesAhead=N in ArmA2.cfg.
- Fix: When player was a helicopter pilot, the AI gunner sometimes had no weapon selected on mission start
- Fix: Helicopters - when manual fire on, do not allow AI gunner to switch weapons
- New: Two benchmark missions.
- New: Multiplayer warfare mission: When diplomacy fails.
- New: Mini campaign Eagle wing.
- Fixed: Dogs of war - several fixes of scripts.
- Fixed: Badlands, Dogs of war(MP) - fixed death of AI during fast travel.
- Fixed: Badlands, Dogs of war(MP) - fixed buying units.
- Fixed: Badlands, Dogs of war(MP) - fixed AI getting spawned at 50km height when fast traveling.
- Fixed: Into the storm - several CO-OP scripts fixes.
- Fixed: RPG7L loaded missile model.
- Fixed: No weapons on pods from pilot view in Ka-52.
- Improved: Various weapons range setting.
- Fixed: ZSU and ZU-23 rate of fire.
- Fixed: Get-in points in static weapons.
- Improved: Hit-points system for all vehicles.
- New: Civilian cars registration plates.
- New: Enabled clan-sign on vehicles.
- Fixed: Fade-away of Pickup and Off-road in long distance.
- Fixed: Get-in point for Pickup(PKM).
- New: GUI Server commanding options in MP.
- Improved: GUI Servers browse.
- Improved: Several fixes in dubbing.
- Improved: Various vehicle/turrets optics zoom and effects changed.
Version 1.04
- Mouse controls: Improved mouse handling and responsiveness
- Stability: Fixed CTD caused by Voice Over Net when many players were speaking simultaneously and other stability problems
- Sound: Fixed speed of sound simulation and other improvements
- Multiplayer: fixed scoring, multiple mission parameters added and various other MP-related improvements
- New: Added mouse smoothing to game options.
- New: Enabled multiple parameters for MP missions.
- New: Mouse filtering strenght adjustable using mouseSmoothing=NNNN in user config.
- New: Command line argument -cpuCount=NNN to override cpu count detection.
- Improved: Mouse smoothing disabled for fast movement.
- Improved: Mouse smoothing can be disabled in user profile file using line mouseSmoothing=0;
- Improved: Audio volume settings.
- Fixed: Soldier were walking on non-existant heaps of debris from destroyed buildings.
- Fixed: Autocoordination caused rudder oscillation in high speed flight.
- Fixed: Crashes in VoN when many players were speaking simultaneously.
- Fixed: Immortal freezed soldiers occured in MP.
- Fixed: Broken kill scoring in MP (two points for unit kill).
- Fixed: Input key actions are no longer active while chat mode.
- Fixed: Diag_log used with long text argument caused crash.
- Fixed: Mouse scrolling in diary.
- Fixed: Enemy kills made by player using stolen enemy vehicle are no longer considered as friendly kills.
- Fixed: Switching to Utes from Chernarus caused Utes to contain infinite landscape.
- Fixed: Time of day synchronized on client after connection to server.
- Fixed: Speed of sound simulation.
- Fixed: Fire from rifle distort sound.
- Fixed: Crash by malformed input to a diag_log scripting function.
- Fixed: Dark muzzle flash in some of the weapon optics.
- Fixed: MP: Ships and boats used excessive bandwidth and CPU power.
- Fixed: Players are no longer forced to reconnect after MP Load on server.
- Fixed: Bike rider can be no longer healed.
- Fixed: Sometimes crew of a near vehicle was visible through the vehicle.
- Improved: Communication menu updated to work with the new menu systems.
- Fixed: Some persistent RE calls added for better JIP compatibility in campaign.
- Fixed: Music was sometimes not playing properly due to faulty playMusic RE command call.
- Fixed: Scene area cleared from exploding destroyed vehicles during various scenes.
- Fixed: Possible appearance of immortal non-player characters in campaign.
- Fixed: (First to Fight) MP: Logos shown on client every time after JIP.
- Fixed: (First to Fight) MP: Skeet shooting not working for clients after JIP.
- Fixed: (First to Fight) Players not boarded in the chopper if they got in the towing tractor.
- Fixed: (Into the Storm) MP: Bad position of client players during converation.
- Fixed: (Into the Storm) Some voice-subtitles difference in the first dialog.
- Fixed: (Into the Storm) MP: No callsign for HQ entity on clients.
- Fixed: (One Week Later) MP: Clients not sitting on bikes after leaving the AAV.
- Fixed: (One Week Later) MP: Player is no longer the co-pilot in the Osprey.
- Fixed: (Manhattan) Escort chopper often shot down.
- Fixed: (Manhattan) Palyer stuck in the animation after first scene.
- Fixed: (Badlands) Prizrak no longer initiates conversation if Cooper is in a vehicle.
- Fixed: (Badlands) Non-fucntional ending in campaign scenario.
- Fixed: (Missing in Action) Redundant random sentences from Razor.
- Improved: Ambient Civilians module caused lag in MP due to window lights.
- Fixed: Undefined variables in Ambient Civilians module.
- Fixed: High Command could behave strange when someone added his own display event handler.
- Fixed: Wrong positions of objects/logics.
- Fixed: Performance problems related to Animals module in MP.
- Improved: Some of the vehicle HUDs now contain missing info.
- Fixed: Alignment issues on several wrapper UI screens.
Version 1.03
- Major AI tweaking and balancing (especially AI infantry can hear much less)
- Improved multiplayer and cooperative campaign (saving games, connection issues)
- Numerous fixes and improvements in the Harvest Red campaign
- New: Functions getPosATL and setPosATL to allow controlling position relative to terrain.
- New: command line option -showScriptErrors introduced to show errors in scripts on-screen
- New: Direct analogue throttle and brake for airplanes now available.
- New: More flexible configuration of Flares in the config (brightness, size)
- New: Mission name (with * indicated unsaved work) displayed in the mission editor
- New: Keyboard shortcuts in the mission editor
- Improved: better handling of gravitation for shots (esp. for grenades)
- Improved: Building destruction
- Improved: Better airplane HUD visibility both night and day
- Optimization: Reduced frame stutter near map borders.
- Hotfix: Players are forced to reconnect after MP Load on server.
- Fixed: no particles effect when hit object with destructNo
- Fixed: grenades may explode only on the final impact
- Fixed: when a grenade bounces on a ship deck, the proper particle effects is shown now
- Fixed: missiles should pass through vegetation
- Fixed: Player connected to loaded game was sometimes frozen.
- Fixed: Game crashed when launched on a system with more then 8 CPUs/cores.
- Fixed: Possible crash with laser designator active.
- Fixed: Sometimes crew of a close vehicle was visible through the vehicle.
- Fixed: Infinite looping of commands 'Stop' in radio.
- Fixed: Rainbow could be visible even with sun below horizon.
- Fixed: 3D Editor - civilian and resistance units did not work correctly
- Fixed: Sea surface was not rendered in NE area out of map.
- Fixed: Terrain surface was sometimes using wrong parallax map.
- Fixed: Grenade could sometimes destroy a building just by impact
- Fixed: Radio messages sometimes echoed
- Fixed: Team switch did not work when player died
- Fixed: Reduced AI detecting slowly moving enemy vehicles by ear.
- Fixed: Prevent killed AI units reporting who killed them.
- Fixed: After respawn in MP, player's tasks, diary content and skills are transferred to the new entity
- Fixed: Leaning 'limits' did not work with TrackIR
- Fixed: Clients were often endlessly stuck in 'Receiving...' window after MP Load.
- Fixed: Problems with saving and loading games in cooperative campaign
- Fixes and improvements in most of the campaign missions (Into the Storm, Harvest Red, Bitter Chill, Manhattan, Badlands, Dogs of War)
- Improved: autosave logic to not save when it was not safe
- Improved: Eye for an Eye in Scenarios
- Fixed: Warfare fast travel on clients was not using logistic values
- Fixed: Warfare money sending
- Fixed: Warfare HQ multiple reports
- Fixed: First-Aid: Action module caused healing scripts to run twice
- Fixed: Supply drop not ending (wrong vehicle class)
- New: First-Aid modules work with respawn
- New: First-Aid ability to stop healing
- New: Added ability to add Support Requests that do not expire.
- Improved: First-Aid modules more robust and faster
- Improved: Better support for side Resistance in SOM / ACM.
- Fixed: Invisible driver in UAZ (MG and GL)
- Fixed: AI soldiers were able to hear extremely well
- Fixed: various minor problems on buildings
- Fixed: rocks destruction effect changed
- Fixed: penetrability of some vegetation
- Fixed: collision geometry of A_BuildingWIP
- Fixed: react FSM core conversations
- Fixed: cargo animations in LAV25
- Fixed: indicators in Ka52 when using NVG
- Fixed: cargo animations in BTR
- Fixed: Warfare keypoint on Chernarus
Version 1.02 Updated
- Antialiasing enabled in Video options
- Different logic of fillrate optimizer: separate settings for 3D Resolution and UI Resolution implemented instead
- Fixed localVRAM detection on Vista x64 systems with 8 GB RAM and more
- Enabled MSAA in Video options
- Fixed possible crash in Radio target reporting for NULL target
- Fixed DOF always enabled on game start.
- Added safeguard againg frequent reset into RequestFlushMemory as well.
- Improved Cannot create surface Rpt messages.
- Relaxed reset recovery conditions to that "profylactic" reset happens less often.
- HC command - enabled page selection
- Commandline parameter -netlog available in retail version again
- Editor fix: modules info serialization Fixed
- Fix: weapon fire effects in MP
Version 1.02
- Improved AI driving skills
- Lowered enemy AI skills for regular and recruit difficulty levels
- Improved Micro AI tactics, attack in pairs, path limiting to avoid passing through walls.
- Fixed multiplayer session NAT negotiation
- Improved game stability (various crash opportunities fixed)
- Multiple save slots supported
- Improved terrain shape beyond map borders
- Various campaign and localisation fixes and improvements
- Modules (F7) support added in the Mission Editor
- Multiple savegame positions allowed.
- Configuration fixes in radio protocol (including faster reaction to crew-related orders in vehicles).
- Multiplayer server browser enlarged.
- Improved steering for car.
- Improved mobile artillery simulation.
- Improved terrain shape beyond map borders.
- Improved Micro AI tactics, attack in pairs, path limiting to avoid passing through walls.
- Added UAV camera stabilization.
- Indication of player connection status in list of players (Diary).
- Possible to connect to server with template-based MP scenario.
- Repeated weapon change command fixed in radio protocol.
- Game no longer crashes when copying a linked trigger in the Mission Editor.
- Different radio notification of multiple units attacking.
- NAT negotiation issue removed (different negative sign cookie on client and server).
- Fixed possible crash after or during Get In in multiplayer.
- Improved transfer of building destruction in multiplayer.
- Fine surface information are now properly used for surface properties.
- Destroyed targets are no more massively reported after player has left the vehicle.
- Proper update of AI pathfinding when new building is created in the landscape (new objects were ignored).
- VON no longer crashes the game in certain circumstances.
- AI sprinting on the spot removed if route was planned across the roof.
- Server shown as passworded in Server Browser when passworded or locked.
- Improved functionality of Get In command if player is vehicle commander.
- Swimming soldiers no longer drop inventory items.
- Swimming players cannot use Gear dialog.
- New scripting function "GetPlayerUID unit" available to help server admins better recognize teamKillers etc.
- Fillrate optimization in Video Options is now defined via combo box.
- Improved light count optimization (should help performance when many distant lights are present).
- Low-frequency effect (subwoofer) improved.
- Added or fixed markers in pre-mission briefings in various scenarios.
- "Eye for Eye" singleplayer scenario: Hostiles balanced and loadouts of playable units fixed.
- "Counterattack" singleplayer scenario: Flow fix, player's group now properly advance from the harbour if strong enough to continue.
- "Trial by Fire" script error fixed.
- Campaign: Time flow screen added to scenario intros.
- Campaign: "Murder" mission ends are now triggered also when firing from a vehicle.
- Campaign: Multiplayer info for all campaign scenarios added.
- Campaign: Scene-specific sound entities are deleted after end of a scene.
- "First to Fight" campaign scenario:
- Shooting range bug fixed.
- Officer's speech has titles added.
- "First to Fight" campaign scenario: O'Hara animation speed fixed.
- "Into the Storm" campaign scenario: Conditions of interaction with civilians improved.
- "Razor Two" campaign scenario:
- Mission-failed end now performs correctly.
- Razor members cannot use UAV during conversations.
- "One Week Later" campaign interlude: Conversation more logical.
- "Manhattan" campaign scenario:
- Animations of ambient people improved.
- Task waypoint for main task positioned better.
- Insurgent animations after death disabled in scene.
- Civilian woman stuck near transport prevented.
- Reinforcements navigation fixed.
- "Bitter Chill" campaign scenario:
- Conversations and broken mission flow fixed.
- Accidental death of Cpt. Shaftoe after a scene prevented.
- Improved positions of several killed unit.
- Radio chatter disabled where disturbing.
- "Badlands" campaign scenario:
- Ending and conversation flow fixes.
- Scene of talking to locals improved.
- "Dogs of War" campaign scenario:
- Insurgent leader presence now logical.
- Several story-related vehicles are now properly usable.
- Initial conversation work in multiplayer.
- "War That Never Was" campaign outro: Amount of units decreased, behaviour improved.
- AI grouping prevented in team deathmatch and deathmatch scenarios.
- Module for limiting area of operation script fixes.
- Recomposed fortifications and minor fixes in Warfare.
- First-aid module performance improvements.
- Language and gameplay fixes in multiplayer and singleplayer templates.
- Changed lighting values for early morning and dusk.
- Improved wheeled vehicles turning definitions.
- Utes: Improved carrier deck collision shape and F-35B geometry.
- Gas stations on map can now refuel nearby vehicles.
- Minor object fixes on Chernarus map (traffic signs tweaks, small objects).
- Added small signs to Chernarus map.
- Less frequent occurence of thunderbolts.
Version 1.01
- Fixed: AI sometimes did not respond
- Fixed: AI has difficulty in certain situations with path
- Improvements to the AI: Avoidance of collisions, AI Micro-communications, Suppress-Fields
- Improved: AI coordination in the fight
- Improved: Auto-Vectoring the vertical (VTOL).
- Improved Quick Start and Quick inflation country (STOL)
- Improved shooting simulation
- Improved performance in some areas
- Improved injury simulation, first aid and team change
- Enable the rollover of the MV-22
- Fixed: weapons inside of vehicles were sometimes white.
- Fixed: Several crash scenarios
- Fixed: Sometimes flickering textures
- Fixed: muzzle fire and other alpha-elements, which intersect the water surface.
- Fixed: Extended scene sequences called problems with LODs and textures show.
- Fixed: Terrain LOD produces white spots
- Improvements in the quality of radio communications
- Standardized reporting on known targets have been improved
- Support for up to 4 players in co-op mode
- Improved scripts for stable functioning mission ends
- Various improvements in emissions and animated scenes
- Improved "StarForce" transport service (this player can better manage occasional problem regarding frozen StarForce fixed)
- Alert function for each found reference added
- Music on other bodies in the main campaign added
- Some missing audio files added
- Rendering of improved surface water
- Various minor fixes and improvements
Sound Effects
- Effect for players figure in the vicinity of larger explosions added (ringing in the ears, temporary deafness)
Control Surface
- Improved GPS support (Ctrl + right mouse when GPS is available)
- Functions without the map view (default: key J)
- List of players without the map view (default: key P)
- Improved rendering of the peripheral visual field simulation (marks on the screen, the natural boundary of the visual field is)
- Permanent Representation of the leader symbol on the screen even in normal difficulty
- Hide task pane to look in the middle of the screen to release
- Aircraft cargo compartments in fixed (The cargo had with the pilots swapped places)
- Camera position for BTR and T90 target devices fixed
- LODs of the visual aid to protect crews in vehicles wheels fixed
- Improved animation for hand-aircraft missile launchers
- Inserted at arms-aircraft missile launchers
- Fire in geometry billboard models fixed
- Changed the engine noise of tractors and buses
- Hotel Schild added
- Ruins of the administration building fixed
- Textures for G36 and a symbol of the fixed MG36
- Animation of the shooter on BRDM-ATGM fixed
- Improved model of the AK-107
- Improved map for reflections in the vicinity
- Improved the cursor A1
- Textures icon of T34 improved optics and fixed tower stabilizer added and exhaust cloud
- PostFX in optics for all Tracked2 models added
- Warfare characters fixed
- AAV-geometry (mass) fixed
- Projection of the first material used to improve meeting
- Improved Holosign own shadow of M4
- Destruction simulation with wrecks and dams on the card improves