Custom Info – Arma 3

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UI window elements that encompass various display modules and gadgets (Navigation, Camera feeds, Radar...)

Forum topic: Main thread

User Interface

Arma 3 Custom Info overview.jpeg

Action keybinds (default)

[ next module on left panel
] next module on right panel
RCtrl + [ toggle submodes on current left panel module
RCtrl + ] toggle submodes on current right panel module
no default keybind close left display
no default keybind close right display
no default keybind close left display
no default keybind close right display


Module Description Sub-mode
NAV Navigation - requires either a GPS item or GPS-equipped vehicle rotation
SLA Sling-load Assistant - only available in vehicles capable of slingloading N/A
SENS Sensors Display - tactical awareness display that combines information about tracked targets from all sensors and about threats (Arma 3 Sensors - User Interface) ranges
CAM Drone Drone Feed - requires UAV terminal item spectrum
CAM Driver Driver Feed - usually available for commanders and gunners in tanks and for pilots (as a Targeting Pod or a Sling-load camera feed) spectrum
CAM Gunner Gunner Feed - usually available for pilots and drivers and commanders in tanks spectrum
CAM Commander Commander Feed - usually available for drivers and gunners in tanks spectrum
CAM Missile Missile Feed - available mostly on few attack aircrafts, feed is initiated after a missile with camera feed capability is fired N/A
CREW Crew Display - shows crew members' names, cargo occupancy, transport capacity, sling-loaded vehicle N/A
The CAM modules only work with PIP enabled!


The new Sensor system gets enabled by defining a VehicleSystemsDisplayManagerComponentLeft (left display) or VehicleSystemsDisplayManagerComponentRight (right display) class inside the vehicle's Components class.

class MyVehicle_F : MyBaseVehicle_F
	class Components : Components
		class VehicleSystemsDisplayManagerComponentLeft : DefaultVehicleSystemsDisplayManagerLeft

		class VehicleSystemsDisplayManagerComponentRight : DefaultVehicleSystemsDisplayManagerRight

For simplicity the class can inherit from one of the defaults. You can also inherit from one of the premade templates that are available in the configFile root.

For tank roles - each template adds camera feeds from the other two positions


For (some) pilots and copilots - template adds a Sensors display and a Driver feed camera (e.g. pilotCamera)


Automatic usage & backwards compatibility

If the Vehicle doesn't have the VehicleSystemsDisplayManagerComponent defined one of the two default pairs is used.

// core definitions, do not override

The pair of defaults with Sensors suffix is used whenever the vehicle had radarType defined as air radar or ground radar. It adds Sensors display in addition to the normal default displays.


class VehicleSystemsDisplayManagerLeft
	componentType = "VehicleSystemsDisplayManager"; // mandatory
	x = (safezoneX + 0.5 * (((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 40));
	y = (safezoneY + safezoneH - 21 * ((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25));
	left = 1;
	defaultDisplay = "CrewDisplay"; // display to be selected when player changes vehicle and had "empty" previously selected

	class Components
		class MinimapDisplay			// GPS
			componentType = "MinimapDisplayComponent";
			resource = "RscCustomInfoMiniMap";

		class SlingLoadDisplay			// Slingload Assistant
			componentType = "SlingLoadDisplayComponent";
			resource = "RscCustomInfoSlingLoad";

		class SensorsDisplay			// Combined display showing sensors, detected and tracked targets, info about marked target and threats
			componentType = "SensorsDisplayComponent";
			range[] = {8000,4000,2000};	// accepts an integer or an array of available ranges (submode)
			showTargetTypes = 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32 + 64 + 128 + 256 + 512 + 1024;
			// 1 - Sensor sectors, 2 - Threats, 4 - Marked tgt symbol, 8 - Own detection
			// 16 - Remote detection, 32 - Active detection, 64 - Passive detection, 128 - Ground targets
			// 256 - Air tgts, 512 - Men, 1024 - Special (laser, NV)
			resource = "RscCustomInfoSensors";

		class UAVFeedDisplay			// Drone camera feed
			componentType = "UAVFeedDisplayComponent";
			// resource = "RscCustomInfoAVCamera"; // hardcoded

		class VehicleDriverDisplay		// Camera feed from driver's optics
			componentType = "TransportFeedDisplayComponent";
			source = "Driver";
			// resource = "RscTransportCameraComponentDriver"; // hardcoded

		class VehicleGunnerDisplay		// Camera feed from gunner's optics
			componentType = "TransportFeedDisplayComponent";
			source = "PrimaryGunner";
			// resource = "RscTransportCameraComponentPrimaryGunner"; // hardcoded

		class VehicleCommanderDisplay	// Camera feed from commander's optics
			componentType = "TransportFeedDisplayComponent";
			source = "Commander";
			// resource = "RscTransportCameraComponentCommander"; // hardcoded

		class MissileDisplay			// Camera feed from missile's warhead
			componentType = "TransportFeedDisplayComponent";
			source = "Missile";
			// resource = "RscTransportCameraComponentMissile"; // hardcoded

		class CrewDisplay				// List of all crew members, cargo and transported or slingloaded vehicle
			componentType = "CrewDisplayComponent";
			resource = "RscCustomInfoCrew";

		class CustomDisplayXY			// Custom display using custom resource
			componentType = "CustomDisplayComponent";
			resource = "RscCustomInfoMyCustomRadModule";

		class EmptyDisplay				// Empty display - hide panel
			componentType = "EmptyDisplayComponent";

class VehicleSystemsDisplayManagerRight : VehicleSystemsDisplayManagerLeft
	x = ((10 * (((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 40)) + 0.5 * (((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 40)));
	left = 0;
	right = 1;
	forcedDisplay = "SensorsDisplay";	// display to be selected when player enters the vehicle no matter what was selected before

See Also