Leaflets – Arma 3
From Bohemia Interactive Community
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Propaganda leaflets are a new feature introduced in Arma 3 Laws of War DLC (1.76)
Mission Usage
Leaflets are a special weapon which can be fired both by a player or AI.
To add leaflets to an Utility Drone, use pylons settings in Eden Editor:
Alternatively, you can add them by script:
Several leaflet types exist apart from West, see the table below.
To let AI drop the leaflets, simply fire the weapon:
Custom Leaflets
Leaflet visuals are tied to specific magazine type. They are defined in global Config.cpp, but can be overridden in Description.ext:
class CfgLeaflets
class West // configuration for 1Rnd_Leaflets_West_F
text = "Text of the leaflet"; // text shown when previewing the leaflet full-screen. Should ideally be localised, so even player who cannot read the image can get the information
texture = "myLeaflet_ca.paa"; // leaflet texture shown when previewing the leaflet full-screen
model = "myLeaflet.p3d"; // in-flight model. Optional; When undefined, generic white leaflet is used
Leaflet Classes
Leaflet Preview
Once a leaflet falls on the ground, it can be inspected using hold action. It will bring up a full-screen leaflet preview with the ability to show localized text of the leaflet.