New Scripting Commands – ArmA: Armed Assault Category
From Bohemia Interactive Community
(Redirected from Category:Armed Assault: New Scripting Commands List)
List of all new commands in Armed Assault.
Pages in category "ArmA: Armed Assault: New Scripting Commands"
The following 294 pages are in this category, out of 294 total.
- a : b
- addPublicVariableEventHandler
- addSwitchableUnit
- addVehicle
- airportSide
- animationState
- assert
- assignedVehicle
- assignedVehicleRole
- assignToAirport
- attachedObject
- attachObject
- boundingBox
- breakOut
- breakTo
- camCommitPrepared
- cameraInterest
- cameraOn
- campaignConfigFile
- camPreload
- camPreloaded
- camPrepareBank
- camPrepareDir
- camPrepareDive
- camPrepareFocus
- camPrepareFov
- camPrepareFovRange
- camPreparePos
- camPrepareRelPos
- camPrepareTarget
- case
- catch
- ceil
- clearVehicleInit
- closeDisplay
- commandFSM
- compile
- config greater greater name
- configFile
- configName
- controlNull
- createDisplay
- createLocation
- createMarker
- createMarkerLocal
- createMissionDisplay
- createTarget
- createVehicleLocal
- ctrlActivate
- ctrlCommit
- ctrlCommitted
- ctrlFade
- ctrlMapAnimAdd
- ctrlMapAnimClear
- ctrlMapAnimCommit
- ctrlMapAnimDone
- ctrlMapScale
- ctrlMapScreenToWorld
- ctrlMapWorldToScreen
- ctrlParent
- ctrlPosition
- ctrlScale
- ctrlSetActiveColor
- ctrlSetBackgroundColor
- ctrlSetEventHandler
- ctrlSetFade
- ctrlSetFocus
- ctrlSetFont
- ctrlSetFontH1
- ctrlSetFontH1B
- ctrlSetFontH2
- ctrlSetFontH2B
- ctrlSetFontH3
- ctrlSetFontH3B
- ctrlSetFontH4
- ctrlSetFontH4B
- ctrlSetFontH5
- ctrlSetFontH5B
- ctrlSetFontH6
- ctrlSetFontH6B
- ctrlSetFontHeight
- ctrlSetFontHeightH1
- ctrlSetFontHeightH2
- ctrlSetFontHeightH3
- ctrlSetFontHeightH4
- ctrlSetFontHeightH5
- ctrlSetFontHeightH6
- ctrlSetFontP
- ctrlSetFontPB
- ctrlSetForegroundColor
- ctrlSetPosition
- ctrlSetScale
- ctrlSetStructuredText
- ctrlSetTextColor
- ctrlSetTooltip
- ctrlSetTooltipColorBox
- ctrlSetTooltipColorShade
- ctrlSetTooltipColorText
- ctrlShown
- ctrlType
- currentCommand
- cutFadeOut
- date
- default
- deleteCenter
- deleteCollection
- deleteLocation
- deleteMarkerLocal
- deleteTarget
- difficultyEnabled
- displayCtrl
- displayNull
- displaySetEventHandler
- distributionRegion
- doFSM
- drawArrow
- drawEllipse
- drawIcon
- drawLine
- drawLocation
- drawRectangle
- echo
- effectiveCommander
- emptyPositions
- enableAttack
- enableEnvironment
- enableReload
- enableTeamSwitch
- execVM
- exitWith
- expectedDestination
- exportLandscapeXYZ
- findCover
- findDisplay
- findNearestEnemy
- finite
- floor
- fog
- fogForecast
- for
- forceSpeed
- formationDirection
- formationLeader
- formationMembers
- formationPosition
- formationTask
- formatText
- from
- getArray
- getHideFrom
- getNumber
- getSpeed
- getText
- getVariable
- halt
- hideBehindScripted
- hideBody
- hierarchyObjectsCount
- htmlLoad
- image
- importance
- inGameUISetEventHandler
- inheritsFrom
- initAmbientLife
- intersect
- isArray
- isClass
- isFormationLeader
- isHidden
- isHideBehindScripted
- isMarkedForCollection
- isNil
- isNumber
- isPlayer
- isText
- joinSilent
- landAt
- lbIsSelected
- lbSelection
- lbSetSelected
- lbSort
- lbSortByValue
- limitSpeed
- locationPosition
- markerDir
- markerText
- max
- min
- missionConfigFile
- modelToWorld
- moveInTurret
- moveTarget
- moveTo
- moveToFailed
- nearestLocation
- nearestLocations
- nearestObjects
- nearObjects
- nearTargets
- needReload
- nextWeatherChange
- onBriefingTeamSwitch
- onPlayerDisconnected
- overcast
- overcastForecast
- parseNumber
- playerRespawnTime
- playerSide
- positionCameraToWorld
- posScreenToWorld
- posWorldToScreen
- precision
- rain
- rank
- rectangular
- reload
- reloadEnabled
- removeClothing
- removeSwitchableUnit
- round
- scopeName
- selectionPosition
- setAirportSide
- setAperture
- setCurrentWaypoint
- setDirection
- setImportance
- setLightBrightness
- setMarkerBrushLocal
- setMarkerColorLocal
- setMarkerDirLocal
- setMarkerPosLocal
- setMarkerShape
- setMarkerShapeLocal
- setMarkerSizeLocal
- setMarkerTextLocal
- setMarkerTypeLocal
- setMousePosition
- setName
- setParticleCircle
- setParticleParams
- setPosition
- setRank
- setRectangular
- setSide
- setSize
- setSoundEffect
- setText
- setTriggerActivation
- setTriggerStatements
- setTriggerText
- setTriggerTimeout
- setTriggerType
- setType
- setUnitPosWeak
- setVariable
- setVectorDirAndUp
- setVehicleAmmo
- setVehicleVarName
- setWaypointCombatMode
- setWaypointType
- showWaypoint
- size
- sizeOf
- sleep
- step
- str
- supportInfo
- switch
- switchableUnits
- teamSwitch
- teamSwitchEnabled
- text
- throw
- titleFadeOut
- to
- toArray
- toLower
- toString
- toUpper
- triggerAttachVehicle
- try
- type
- typeName
- unitPos
- vectorUp
- vehicles
- vehicleVarName
- verifySignature
- waitUntil
- waypoints
- wind
- worldName
- worldToModel