Model Config

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The model configuration file (model cfg for short) is the interface between a (P3D) model and the program.
It is a look-up table which is processed during the binarization process, to tell the program what the various sections of the model are, which skeleton it uses and how it is animated.

This system is more flexible than the one previously used, because all the information is stored for the model and not for the object class in the main configuration file. This means that several object classes can use the same model and don't have to define the animations for this model separately.

A goal of the system is to separate the configuration of models into a designer and an artist part.
This is done by the introduction of a class AnimationSources in the main configuration file (the designer part) and the continuing use of the class Animations in the model cfg (the artist part).

Most models will be able to inherit definitions from basic definitions on higher levels in the data hierarchy. An example hierarchy is described and illustrated below.

  • p:\ofp2\vehicles\model.cfg - Defines a class Default.
  • p:\ofp2\vehicles\land\wheeled\model.cfg - Defines a class Car.
  • p:\ofp2\vehicles\land\wheeled\landrover\model.cfg - Defines a class LandRover.
  • p:\ofp2\vehicles\land\wheeled\landrover\lr6x6_3 - In the model is a property config = LandRover (this feature is not implemented and may never be).
  • p:\ofp2\vehicles\land\wheeled\landrover\lr6x6_mg240 - Has a LR6x6_MG240.cfg, which inherits from class LandRover and adds definitions for a turret.

Sample tree hierarchy


At this stage the file is parsed during the binarization of a model and animations can be played in the program with user actions. Eventually they can be previewed using the Buldozer viewer.

The model cfg follows a set of naming conventions. There can be several model cfg files, named by default model.cfg, named after the folder name or named after a specific model. In the case that both a model.cfg and <foldername>.cfg are present, only the latter is parsed. The <modelname>.cfg is parsed alongside of the other model cfg files and therefore the model can be seen as an additional level in the hierarchy.

When we have an example folder called humr with a model called hmmwv.p3d, we can use the following names: model.cfg or humr.cfg and next to that a hmmwv.cfg.

In the future a model may support a named property called config, which tells the model which class in the model cfg to use. There is some doubt whether this feature will be implemented though.

There are model cfg files that do not relate directly to a specific model, but are used for the generic base class definitions, such as class Default.

The functionality of the animations has been extended, allowing to do in scripting what was done before using RTM animations. In addition, animation controllers were introduced, which allow for the control of different animations at the same time. This opens up possibilities like having several turrets on a tank.

The model cfg and main configuration file (where classes cfgModels, cfgSkeletons and Animations were previously defined) operate together to smooth the change from the old to the new system. When a model cfg and the main configuration file both define the same model, the model cfg takes precedence.



This segment defines all properties of each model. The class names correspond to the model name.
Here you define which sections the model has, which skeleton it uses and its animations.

// Declare base classes
class CarAnimations
	class IndicatorSpeed;
class CfgModels
	class Car; // Declare base class.

	class Vodnik : Car
		sectionsInherit = "Car"; // Inherit all sections from class Car.
		// Add new section.
		sections[] =
		skeletonName = "Vodnik"; // Use the Vodnik skeleton.

		class Animations : CarAnimations // Inherit from generic animations.
			class IndicatorSpeed : IndicatorSpeed	// Redefine the maximum value
			{										// for the speed indicator.
				maxValue = 40;


This segment defines the skeleton for the model and the bones that it uses.

class CfgSkeletons
	class Car; // Define base class.

	class Vodnik : Car
		skeletonInherit = "Car";			// Inherit all bones from class Car.
		skeletonBones[] =					// Add two new bones. The movement of bone2 is linked to bone1.
		{									// or in other words - bone2 is child of bone1 / bone 1 is parent of bone2
			// "<newbone>", "<parentbone>"	// leave <parentbone> empty if it has no parents
			"bone1", "",
			"bone2", "bone1"
		pivotsModel = "";	// Location of pivot points (local axes) for hierarchical animation. (A2 only)
		isDiscrete = 1;		// 1 stands for discrete skinning values (0 or 100 % for each vertex of every selection)
							// 0 stands for non-discrete (each vertex may have different skinning values for selections - animations have just partial effect on that vertex)


This segment is part of class cfgModels and defines all animations used by the model.

class Animations
	class FrontWheelR
		type = "rotationX";			// The type of animation.
		source = "wheel";			// The controller that provides input.
		selection = "pravy predni";	// The name of the skeleton bone used.
		axis = "";					// The name of the axis in the model.
		memory = true;				// Is the axis defined in the memory LOD of the model or not?
		sourceAddress = "loop";		// Does the animation loop or not?

		minValue = 0;				// The minimum value of the motion range.
									// i.e. The controller input when animation phase is 0.

		maxValue = 1;				// The maximum value of the motion range.
									// i.e. The controller input when animation phase is 1.

		angle0 = 0;					// The starting angle of this animation, where the
									// animation phase is minValue

		angle1 = "rad -360";		// The ending angle of this animation,
	};								// where the animation phase is maxValue

See also type, controller.

Animation sources

source= is the controller that provides the data to the animation phase. It is declared in in cfgModels.ModelName.class Animations{...}. Inbuilt controllers are listed below. Custom controllers (source=user) can be constructed in config.cpp using cfgVehicles.ModelName.class AnimationSources{...} together with cfgVehicles.ModelName.class UserActions{...}

Controller names marked by * are freely defined by vehicle turret configs. The values here show the names commonly used for ArmA vehicles.

Arma 3 logo black.png1.60 brought a new way how to handle multiple muzzle animation sources for weapons:

  • The following may be used with indexes ranging from -1 to (number of muzzles - 1) in format "name.x" (e.g. reload.0):
    • Weapons:
      • revolving
      • ammo
      • ammoRandom
      • reload
      • trigger
      • reloadMagazine
      • hasMagazine
      • isEmptyNoReload
      • isEmpty
      • zeroing
      • weaponMode
    • Plane/Helicopter (see also Vehicle Loadout Animation Sources):
      • bay
      • pylonReadyPos - missile released on 1
      • pylonIsEmpty - 1 means no magazine
      • pylonReload - pylon weapon's reload state of weapon
      • pylonRevolving - pylon weapon's revolving state
  • Index -1 means currently selected muzzle, index 0 means first muzzle of given weapon, index 1 second etc
  • Animation sources without indexes should behave the same way as before.
Name Description Simulation Classes
altBaro The baro altitude. Aircraft, Weapon
altRadar The radar altitude. Aircraft
altSurface(A3) Altitude above land surface (ignoring water). Usable for wavebreakers on amphibious vehicles or possibly water depth indicators for ships. CarX + ?
cyclicAside rotor mast machinery (or rotor) animations based on cyclic controls Helicopter
cyclicForward rotor mast machinery (or rotor) animations based on cyclic controls Helicopter
gear The vehicle's gear. 0 when Gear is down(outside), 1 when Gear is up(folded) Aircraft
horizonBank The banking angle of the vehicle. Aircraft
horizonDive The diving angle of the vehicle. Aircraft
vertSpeed The vertical speed. Aircraft
aileron The main aileron control surfaces. Airplane
aileronB The bottom speed brake as opening ailerons. Airplane
aileronT The top speed brake as opening ailerons. Airplane
aoa The Angle Of Attack. Airplane
elevator The elevators. For missiles min & max values are calculated by reading maneuvrability attribute from cfgAmmo. Value is multiplied by +/-0.25 Airplane, Missiles
flap The flaps. 0 when disabled, 0.5 when half deployed, 1 when fully deployed Airplane
rotor The rotors. Airplane
propeller Animation of propeller in water. Activates only when in water. Dependant on travel direction of vehicle and thrust or speed. CarX, BoatX, TankX, + ?
rudder The rudder controlls. For missiles min & max values are calculated by reading maneuvrability attribute from cfgAmmo. Value is multiplied by +/-0.25 Airplane, Missiles
speedBrake The speed brake. Airplane
thrustVector For animating VTOL elements (e.g. Osprey Tilt rotors). 0 when in horizontal flight, 1 when in hover mode. Airplane
direction The orientation of the vehicle. Any
waypointDirection direction to waypoint Any
fuel The fuel level. 0 when tank is empty, 1 when tank is full Any
oil IndicatorOilTemp [Does not work in A3] ?
engineTemp Temperature state of the vehicle engine [A3 post 1.66 only] any ?
wheelsTemp Temperature state of the vehicles wheels [A3 post 1.66 only] any ?
turretGunTemp Temperature state of the vehicles primary gun [A3 post 1.66 only] any ?
exhaustIntensity ? Plane + ? (not tankX)
gmeter Total g-forces. Any
gmeterx g-force component in x direction. Any
gmetery g-force component in y direction. Any
gmeterz g-force component in z direction. Any
rpm The rpm of the vehicle. Used in rpm indicators. Any(except Ship)
speed The speed of the vehicle. Used in speed indicators. (WARNING: 'maxValue' and 'minValue' should be in meters per second) Any
time Timer-based input. Any
timeRndOffset Timer-based input + random offset (per object on spawn, offset constant) Any
objRandom random value per object on spawn, constant value Any
The current time in hours. Any (including e.g. Weapon)
clockHour24 The current time in hours in 24h scale. Any (including e.g. Weapon)
clockMinute The current time in minutes. Derived from clockHour. Any (including e.g. Weapon)
clockSecond The current time in seconds. Moves discreetly every second and independently from clockHour. Any (including e.g. Weapon)
damage Current damage level (0=healthy, 1=destroyed) Any
user User defined (script driven) animation Any
userPositionHashedInit Randomized user defined (script driven) animation. This source is utilized on i.e. Tanoa gates and it is using initPhaseArray[] = {0.5, 0.75, 1}; to randomize initial state Any
direct Like user, but immediate, no smooth transition. Any
pedals The pedals. Bicycle
damper The suspension of the vehicle. Currently only works with type translationY. Car, Tank, Aircraft, Motorcycle
FrontDamper The suspension of the front wheels of the vehicle. Car?
BackDamper The suspension of the back wheels of the vehicle. Car?
drivingWheel The orientation of the steering wheel. Used for the steering wheel and steered wheels. Car, Ship, Motorcycle, Tank
*mainGun The main gun. *Alternatively defined with animationSourceGun in the turret config. Car, Tank, Helicopter, Ship
*mainTurret The main turret. *Alternatively defined with animationSourceBody in turret config. Car, Tank, Helicopter, Ship
wheel Normal wheels that turn based on moving forward. Car, Airplane, Motorcycle
noseWheelTurn Airplane
compassArrow The arrow. Compass
compassCover The cover. No longer works in Arma 3 and always return 1. Compass
compassPointer The pointer. Compass
rotorH The 'horizontal' rotor. Helicopter
rotorV The 'vertical' rotor. Helicopter
rotorHDive Tilt of the 'horizontal' rotor. Helicopter
rotorVDive Tilt of the 'vertical' rotor. Helicopter
support The support stand. Motorcycle
*hatchCommander The commander hatch. *Alternatively defined with animationSourceHatch in the turret config. Tank
hatchDriver The driver hatch. Tank
*hatchGunner The gunner hatch. *Alternatively defined with animationSourceHatch in the turret config. Tank
*obsGun The observer or commander gun. *Alternatively defined with animationSourceGun in the turret config. Tank
*obsTurret The observer or commander turret. *Alternatively defined with animationSourceBody in the turret config. Tank
reload The movement when reloading. Source is 1 as soon as shot is fired and returns to 0 within in reload time. Weapon
revolving Source is 1.0 at full magazine and 0 at empty magazine. After each shot, the source will reduce by a fraction (1/magazincapacity) within the reloadTime from the weapon, i.e. a smooth transition. Weapon
isempty The animation to hold the bolt open when the weapon is empty. Weapon
turretDir The orientation of the turret. Tank
wheelL The left track wheels. Tank
wheelR The right track wheels. Tank
scudLauncher Phase of scudlaunch. Scud
flag Runs from 0 to 1 as flag is taken from flagpole. Flagcarrier
airspeedIndicatorRTD speed / maxSpeed RTD helicopter
altBaroRTD altitude in meters RTD helicopter
vertSpeedRTD vertical speed / max speed RTD helicopter
attitudeBankRTD radians RTD helicopter
attitudeDiveRTD radians RTD helicopter
skidRTD speed / helicopter >> maxSpeed RTD helicopter
altRadarRTD altitude above ground in meters RTD helicopter
rpm1RTD engine 1 rmp / designed max rpm RTD helicopter
rpm2RTD engine 2 rmp / designed max rpm RTD helicopter
rpm3RTD engine 3 rmp / designed max rpm RTD helicopter
temp1RTD engine 1 temperature / helicopter >> DamagePropertiesRTD >> maxEngineTemperature RTD helicopter (only TKOH)
temp2RTD engine 2 temperature / helicopter >> DamagePropertiesRTD >> maxEngineTemperature RTD helicopter (only TKOH)
temp3RTD engine 3 temperature / helicopter >> DamagePropertiesRTD >> maxEngineTemperature RTD helicopter (only TKOH)
torqueRTD torque / helicopter >> DamagePropertiesRTD >> maxTorque RTD helicopter
mainRotorRPMRTD Main Rotor RPM / designed max RPM RTD helicopter
tailRotorRPMRTD Tail Rotor RPM / designed max RPM RTD helicopter
collectiveRTD collective (0, 1) RTD helicopter
rudderRTD Pedals (-1, 1) RTD helicopter
throttleRTD1 (0, 1) RTD helicopter
throttleRTD2 (0, 1) RTD helicopter
throttleRTD3 (0, 1) RTD helicopter
torqueEng1RTD (0, 1) RTD helicopter
torqueEng2RTD (0, 1) RTD helicopter
torqueEng3RTD (0, 1) RTD helicopter
collective collective (0, 1) Helicopter
IsEmptyNoReload (A3) 1 when empty and not reloading magazine Weapon
reloadMagazine (A3) Phase of magazine reload. For Handweapons 0 at the beginning and 1 at reloadTime. For Vehicle Weapons 1 at beginning, 0 after reloadTime. 0 When no reload happens. Only for first muzzle of weapon affects this. Weapon
reloadMagazine2 (A3) same as reloadMagazine. Used for second and all consequent muzzles. (obsolete with indexing) Weapon
ammo (A3) Number of remaining ammo in magazine (that means revolving * count). Transition is discrete, i.e. immediate switch from 45.0 to 44.0 for example. Weapon
ammoRandom (A3) Random value changing with every shoot fired from given magazine. Weapon
zeroing1 (A3) Current position in discreteDistance array for first muzzle. Weapon
zeroing2 (A3) Current position in discreteDistance array for second muzzle. Weapon
hasOptics (A3) Binary value of weapon having active optics in its TOP slot. Weapon
hasAccessory (A3) Binary value of weapon having active accessory in its SIDE slot. Weapon
hasSuppressor (A3) Binary value of weapon having active suppressor in its MUZZLE slot. Weapon
hasUnderbarrel (A3) Binary value of weapon having active bipod in its UNDERBARREL slot. Weapon
hasMagazine (A3) Binary value of weapon having active magazine. Weapon
weaponMode (A3) Current position in modes[] array of a weapon. Useful for fire selector switches etc. Weapon
weaponMuzzle (A3) Current position in muzzles[] array of a weapon. Useful for ladder sights that deploy when grenade launcher muzzle is selected. Weapon
isSelected (A3) Returns if the weapon is currently selected. Usefull for folding stocks and similar. Weapon
primaryWeaponMode untested Weapon
primaryWeaponZeroing untested Weapon
Throttle (A3) How much is the throttle used (0-1) Transport
Brake (A3) How much is the brake used (0-0.5) Transport
maxHoldsterValue (A3) holdsterAnimValue of currently selected weapon Transport
*ObsElevation (A3) Raise turret/Lower turret action. *Alternatively defined with animationSourceElevation in the turret config. Transport
RotorHFullyDestroyed (A3) 0 by default, 1 if the main rotor has been destroyed by impact Helicopter
tailRotorHFullyDestroyed (A3) 0 by default, 1 if the tail rotor has been destroyed by impact Helicopter
bipod_legs (A3) Binary value if bipod is deployed (1) or not (0) Weapon attachment
bipod (A3) Binary value if inbuilt bipod is deployed (1) or not (0) Weapon
bipod_legs_length (A3) Length of adjustable bipod legs (distance between bipod point and surface in meters) Weapon attachment
bipod_length (A3) Length of adjustable bipod legs (distance between bipod point and surface in meters) Weapon
trigger (A3) Actual animation phase of trigger finger animation Weapon
collisionLights(A3) Position lights ?
MarkerLight used in AnimationSources class together with markerLight parameter i.e. (CollisionRed) linking to MarkerLights class. Source is 1 when light is on Vehicle
pilotCameraRotX(A3) The turning (yawing) of pilotCamera Airplane, Helicopter
pilotCameraRotY(A3) The elevation (pitching) of pilotCamera Airplane, Helicopter
camElev(A3) Camera elevation independent from main gun - used mainly on artillery with elevationMode > 0. Affected by maxCamElev & minCamElev Transport
vehicleTransporting 0 when the vehicle is not transporting any vehicle, 1 when it is. Vehicle
vehicleTransported 0 when the vehicle is not being transported, 1 when the vehicle is being transported in another vehicle. Vehicle
slingloading 0 when the vehicle is not transporting any vehicle, 1 when it is. Progress between 0-1 should be gradual (same as in Sling Load Assistant) Vehicle
slingloaded 0 when the vehicle is not being sling loaded, 1 when the vehicle is being sling loaded by another vehicle. Vehicle
thrusttime Goes from 0 after initTime is rached to thrustTiime value from cfgAmmo. Missiles
initTime Goes from 0 to initTime value from cfgAmmo. I.e. if you have initTime = 0.15 in missile config, maxValue for this source will be 0.15 Missiles
state Engine state: 0 - init, 1 - thrust, 2 - fly Missiles
activeSensorsPhase Loop going from 0 to 1 (1 minute). Activated when radar is turned on Vehicles
activeSensorsOn 1 when radar is activated Vehicles
isPiP 1 when Picture in Picture is enabled in settings Vehicles
drivingstickLeft 1 when thrustL (see EPEVehicle diagnostic view) is at 1 Tank
drivingstickRight 1 when thrustR (see EPEVehicle diagnostic view) is at 1 Tank
damageTracks Returns same value as tracks damage control in vehicle info GUI Tank
damageWheels Returns same value as wheels damage control in vehicle info GUI Car
inWater Returns 1 when vehicle is in water Vehicles
Animation types

This table outlines the Animation Types you can use for an animation class.

Type Description
rotation Circular motion.
rotationX Idem, but locked to the X axis.
rotationY Idem, but locked to the Y axis.
rotationZ Idem, but locked to the Z axis.
translation Motion along one axis.
translationX Idem, but locked to the X axis.
Idem, but locked to the Y axis.
translationZ Idem, but locked to the Z axis.
hide Hide once given threshold is reached
direct Rotation and/or translation (without using selection in model as axis)
Animation Properties

This table outlines the properties (or entries) that each defined animation class expects to be present based on the animation type that is specified.

Eg. If you specify a an animation type of 'rotationX' you must specify the animation properties 'angle0' and 'angle1'.

Property Description Animation Type
source Controller used for input. Any
selection Skeleton bone. Any
Model axis. Any
Starting point of an oriented model axis.
This can be used in combination with end instead of axis.
Ending point of an oriented model axis.
This can be used in combination with begin instead of axis.
memory Optional (default is true). Axis in memory level or not? Any
animPeriod Time in seconds for one animation cycle.
Only used by user controllers.
minValue Minimum controller input. If animationPhase is below this minimum, it gets clamped / looped / mirrored (see sourceAddress) Any
maxValue Maximum controller input. If animationPhase is above this maximum, it gets clamped / looped / mirrored (see sourceAddress) Any
phaseBeg Controller input for which the motion begins. The motion gets clamped for inputs below this value. Any
phaseEnd Controller input for which the motion ends. The motion gets clamped for inputs above this value. Any
Does the animation loop or not? This can be any of three different values: clamp (default), loop or mirror. Any
angle0 Starting angle of this animation, where the animation phase is 0. Rotations
angle1 Ending angle of this animation, where the animation phase is 1. Rotations
offset0 Starting offset of this animation, where the animation phase is 0. Translations
offset1 Ending offset of this animation, where the animation phase is 1. Translations
hideValue Threshold for hiding ("hides selection once hidevalue is reached") Hide
unHideValue (A3 only) Threshold for unhiding (unhides it again after it was already hidden). Value Must be larger than hideValue Hide
axisPos[] Position of axis in model space Direct
axisDir[] Direction of axis (vector) Direct
angle Angle of rotation in degrees! Direct
axisOffset Used for translation Direct


This is not part of the model cfg, but part of the main configuration file. This class allows you to define new user controllers or modify selected properties of existing controllers.

Defining custom controllers makes it possible to use one custom controller for several different animations. If an animation does not define the source parameter, the program looks for a custom controller defined in this class with the same name.

It is also possible to override an existing controller using this class, but be extremely careful in this case. The custom controller will hide the original one, leaving the latter inaccessible. Overriding is done using the :: notation in the source parameter as can be seen in the third example.

class AnimationSources
	class MachineGun
		source = "reload";		// The controller used for the definition of this controller.
		weapon = MachineGun25W; // In the specific case of using the reload controller, the weapon class name.

See also controller, reload.

class AnimationSources
	// Used by animations called Door1, which don't define the source
	// parameter or by animations that define source = Door1;.
	class Door1
		source = "user";	// The controller is defined as a user animation.
		animPeriod = 1;		// The animation period used for this controller.
		initPhase=1;		// Initial phase when object is created.

See also source.

class AnimationSources
	class wheel
		source = "::wheel"; // Overriding the existing wheel controller.

See also wheel.

config.cpp model.cfg relationship

Below is the class name relationship between the two for a user, (or modified), source. Poetic licence used

class CfgModels
	class NameOfP3d
		class Animations
			class ModelClassName
				selection = BoneName;
				source = ModelClassName;	// default  or, NameOfEngineAnimation ('wheel' eg), OR AnimClassName in config.cpp
class CfgVehicles
	class ModelName
		class AnimationSources
			class AnimClassName
				AnimPeriod = 1;				// mandatory. in seconds.
				source = "user";			// optional. default = user
				InitPhase = 1;				// optional. default = 0
				weapon = WeaponClassName;	// only for source = reload;
		class UserActions
			class MeaninglessName
				onlyforplayer = true/false;							// mandatory
				statement = "this animate ['AnimClassName', 1];";	// executed when action is triggered
  • most constructions avoid confusion: AnimClassName==ModelClassName==BoneName
  • the word 'user' in both cfg and cpp appears to be, a) redundant, b) the default

See Also