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Adds a magazine to a person. Infantry units can only carry a specific number of magazines, once the magazine slots are filled (or uniform/vest/bagpack are full in Arma 3), any further addMagazine commands are ignored. If class of magazine does not exist, an error message is printed in .rpt:
player addMagazine "dasdsa"; // .rpt: Given magazine[dasdsa] not found
Use addMagazine before addWeapon for the weapon to be loaded with the magazine automatically.
Unit Inventory


unitName addMagazine magazineName
unitName: Object - person to add the magazines to
magazineName: String - magazine name. See the topic Category:Weapons for reference about possible values.
Return Value:

Alternative Syntax

unitName addMagazine [magazineName, ammoCount]
A2 OA Logo.png1.62 LALocalGEGlobal
Arma 3 logo black.png1.00 GAGlobalGEGlobal
unitName: Object - person to add the magazines to
magazineName: String - magazine name. See the topic Category:Weapons for reference about possible values.
ammoCount: Number - ammo quantity to be added to magazine. If it goes beyond maximum magazine capacity, the magazine will be given full and not overloaded.
Return Value:


Example 1:
player addMagazine "30Rnd_556x45_STANAG";
Example 2:
player addMagazine ["30Rnd_556x45_STANAG", 15]; // since Arma 2:OA 1.62
Example 3:
nonLocalUnit addMagazine ["30Rnd_556x45_STANAG", 15]; // global argument since Arma 3
Example 4:
player addMagazine ["30Rnd_556x45_STANAG", 9999]; // will give a 30 rounds magazine anyway

Additional Information

See also:
addMagazineGlobal addMagazines addMagazineCargo addMagazineCargoGlobal addMagazinePool addMagazineTurret removeMagazine removeMagazines addWeapon loadMagazine


Report bugs on the Feedback Tracker and/or discuss them on the Arma Discord or on the Forums.
Only post proven facts here! Add Note
Hoz - c
Posted on Aug 02, 2006 - 06:59 (UTC)
If the unit has magazines already, you may need to use the commands removeMagazine or removeMagazines to make space for the mags you want to add.
PhilippRauch - c
Posted on Feb 21, 2010 - 20:13 (UTC)
In turreted vehicles the magazine is added to the first turret with >> primaryGunner = 1; << set in the Vehicles turret config part (and the magazine is ONLY added to the very first turret if more than one is configged with >> primaryGunner = 1; << ).
Inkompetent - c
Posted on May 12, 2010 - 20:09 (UTC)
When wanting to add many magazines to an object's init-line it can be easier to use loops than to just repeat the addMagazine command. If you want to add N magazines to an object either of the two below ways are handy, the first for fewer magazines, and the latter when you want to add many since it then is the easiest of the two to read.
{ this addMagazine "magazineClassName" } forEach [1,2,3, /*..., */ N]; for "_i" from 1 to N do { this addMagazine "magazineClassName" };
Pisces_72 - c
Posted on Nov 28, 2017 - 13:10 (UTC)
If adding a magazine to an empty artillery support with this command in Arma 3, use reload. If you do not reload, Artillery calls will not fire rounds, because the AI won't reload automatically (tested with 82mm mortar)