UVAnimations – Arma 3

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Template:Cfg ref


UV animations, in contrast to regular animations, are not part of model.cfg but main vehicle configuration. Technology was introduced in Arma 3 logo black.png1.84.

Their usage is pretty similar to typical animation created in model.cfg (see Model Config ) but there are few differences:

  • translation, rotation & scale is supported
  • animate & animationPhase is not supported by this tech - use animateSource & animationSourcePhase instead
  • it's using sections instead of bones
  • UV animations can be stacked - animating same section by multiple animations will result in multiplication of matrices
  • order of UV animation matters in case single section is animated by multiple animations
  • needs RVMAT assigned (any type) - should be fixed in 1.84


class cfgVehicles
    class TestVehicle
        // UV animations are defined in vehicle config & they are not baked to p3d in contrast to regular animations 
        class UVAnimations
            // You can name it whatever you like since it's not working with animationPhase or animate command
            class TestAnimation_01
				// For now, it's only supported type of animation
                type            = translation;
                // name of source, either custom one, defined in AnimationSources class or regular model.cfg source
                // It can be animated with animateSource & value can be retrieved via animationSourcePhase
                source            = Test_Source;
                // section name from model.cfg sections[] array
                section            = camo1;
                minValue        = 0;
                maxValue        = 1;
                // Transformation of UV coordinates
                offset0[]        = {0,0};
                offset1[]        = {0,1};
            // Example animation using gmeter sources
            class TestAnimation_02
                type             = translation;
                source           = gmeter;
                sourceAddress    = loop;
                section          = camo2;
                minValue         = 0;
                maxValue         = 1;
                offset0[]        = {0,0};
                offset1[]        = {1,0};
			// Example rotation animation
            class TestAnimation_03
                type            = rotate;
                source          = Test_Source;
                section         = camo2;
                minValue        = 0;
                maxValue        = 1;
				// [x,y] - coordinates defining center of rotation
               	center[] 		= { 0.5, 0.5 };
				// angles are in radians just like in model.cfg
				angle0 			= 0;
				angle1 			= rad 30; // rotate by 30 degrees 
			// Example scale
            class TestAnimation_04
                type            = scale;
                source          = Test_Source2;
                section         = camo2;
                minValue        = 0;
                maxValue        = 1;
				// [x,y] - coordinates defining center of rotation
               	center[] 		= { 0.5, 0.5 };
				// 1 means that there will be no change to the UV
				scale0[] 			= {1,1};
				scale1[] 			= {2,2}; // make UV map twice as large
        class AnimationSources
            class Test_Source
                source        	= user;
                initPhase    	= 1;
                animPeriod    	= 0.3;
			class Test_Source2: Test_Source {};


In following example you can see how chain animation Kart was done. UV animation is synced with right rear wheel via animation sources creation tech which was introduced with Jets DLC PhysX suspension. It's possible to get damper values too this way.


class CfgVehicles
	class Kart_01_Base_F: Car_F
		class AnimationSources: AnimationSources
			class Wheel_2_2_source	{source = wheel; wheel = RR;};
		class UVAnimations
			class Chain
				type			= translation;
				source			= Wheel_2_2_source;
				sourceAddress	= loop;
				section			= Chain;
				minValue		= 0;
				maxValue		= 1;
				offset0[]		= {0,0};
				offset1[]		= {-1,0};

Model config

Note "chain" section!

class CfgModels
	class Vehicle;
	class Car:Vehicle
		class Animations{};

	class Kart_01_F : Car
		sections[] =
		class Animations : Animations
			// Example of custom animation source utilizing
			class wheel_shaft_2
				type 		= rotation;
				source		= wheel_2_2_source;
				sourceAddress = loop;
				selection	= wheel_shaft_2;
				axis		= wheel_shaft_2_axis;
				minValue	= 0;
				maxValue	= 1;
				angle0		= (rad -0);
				angle1		= (rad +360);


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