Resolution LOD Samples – Operation Flashpoint Talk

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AFAIK the LODs don't change if you reach a certain distance between the objects. --Berghoff 12:27, 25 July 2006 (CEST)

@BergHoff: Hmm? Why not? The most important thing for LOD switching is distance, isn't it?
Uh-oh. Didn't read the page so far, but the tests are very very very dependent on the system and the settings. We should mention that on the page. --raedor 12:32, 25 July 2006 (CEST)
Mmmmh, more than dependant on the system, isn't it dependant on benchmark result? --Whisper 12:35, 25 July 2006 (CEST)
Afaik the system is more important, as benchmark isn't that reliable. Either way: nearly none of the biki users is going to have the same test results as mentioned on this page. --raedor 12:55, 25 July 2006 (CEST)
Well, the point of these lists in not to give absolute guidelines as to when and where LODs are switching, but rather to document the relationship between the different variables. (Since there were rumors that view-distance is the only determining factor.) Yes, the numbers will be different on every system (they would even vary on mine if I just slightly changed my view direction), but the fact that the LOD selection is dependent on a collection of factors applies to every configuration.
I guess I'll put a disclaimer of some sort on the page, explaining the 'relativity' of it all...--Kronzky 09:06, 26 July 2006 (CEST)
Okay. The determining values for the LODs should be number of polys in viewdist (= number of objects and view dist), the system (CPU), the settings (visual quality, terrain detail etc) --raedor 10:44, 26 July 2006 (CEST)