Command Group: Environment – Category
From Bohemia Interactive Community
Commands to manipulate the weather, time, date or traffic.
Pages in category "Command Group: Environment"
The following 66 pages are in this category, out of 66 total.
- setDate
- setFog
- setGusts
- setHumidity
- setLightnings
- setLocalWindParams
- setObjectViewDistance
- setOvercast
- setRain
- setRainbow
- setShadowDistance
- setSimulWeatherLayers
- setTerrainGrid
- setTimeMultiplier
- setTIParameter
- setTrafficDensity
- setTrafficDistance
- setTrafficGap
- setTrafficSpeed
- setViewDistance
- setWaves
- setWind
- setWindDir
- setWindForce
- setWindStr
- simulCloudDensity
- simulCloudOcclusion
- simulInClouds
- simulSetHumidity
- simulWeatherSync
- skipTime
- sunOrMoon