Operation Flashpoint – Category

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The game originally released as Operation Flashpoint is discontinued. A free update to Arma: Cold War Assault is available to owners of the original copy of the original Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis.
Operation Flashpoint Cover

The world famous Operation Flashpoint (OFP) series of games began with Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis in 2001, produced by BI and published by Codemasters. Codemasters then produced and published an add-on campaign for the original title called Red Hammer. Then in 2002, BI produced another version of the game (as an expansion pack) called Operation Flashpoint: Resistance. Later, a "Game of the Year" (GOTY) edition was published by Codemasters, which included the two BIS games, plus the Red Hammer campaign.

Story & Content

The story is set in 1985 on a group of three islands - Kolgujev, Malden and Everon. The Soviet Union is in turmoil after Mikhail Gorbachev is designated General Secretary of the Communist Party. Not everyone is willing to accept his leadership, including General Ivan Vasilii Guba, leader of a well-equipped army based on Kolgujev. Guba attacks nearby Everon, an independant republic, sparking an international flashpoint. The NATO base on Malden is alerted and the plot progresses from there.

The player begins in the role of Private David Armstrong, fresh from training on Malden and under the supervision of his commanding officer Sergeant Arnold Berghoff. As the missions progress, depending on the player's performance, Armstrong is promoted and can command a squad of his own.

There are other characters which the player controls at various points through the story:

Robert Hammer, a novice tank driver Sam Nichols, a helicopter pilot James Gastovski, a retired special forces operative who is persuaded to join the conflict and settle an old score...

Cold War Crisis includes 41 missions contained in a file called 1985.pbo within the OperationFlashpoint\Campaigns directory.

Customising OFP

Operation Flashpoint can be adapted and customised in many ways. The highly versatile scripting engine can even be used for Stargate-scenarios. The only limit has been the sky - unfortunately you can't make missions in space!

Things that can be changed include available missions, custom vehicles, custom skies, custom special effects, custom GUI, AI, animations, and much more. Unless written otherwise in the readme, these features can be changed without losing single or multiplayer compatibility.

Custom modfolders can be created to house addons of a certain kind (like the Dutch Army, or Star Wars units), or to house new Data folders which change global parameters of the game.

= See also


This Category is only for information on the original Operation Flashpoint (OFP) series for the PC, and not Operation Flashpoint: Elite (on XBox).