Notification – Arma 3

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Notification preview

In Arma 3, you can show mission or system notification using BIS_fnc_showNotification function.

["TaskSucceeded", ["Disable the nuke"]] call BIS_fnc_showNotification;
["ScoreAdded", ["Disabled the nuke without triggering an alarm.", 5]] call BIS_fnc_showNotification;

Instead of defining every single param over and over again in multiple missions, you can simply point to a template defined in CfgNotifications class either in mission / campaign Description.ext or in global config.cpp.

You can send additional arguments into the template, where they are applied to title, icon or description using the format command.

class CfgNotifications
	class Default
		title = "";				// Title displayed as text on black background. Filled by arguments.
		iconPicture = "";		// Small icon displayed in left part. Colored by "color", filled by arguments.
		iconText = "";			// Short text displayed over the icon. Colored by "color", filled by arguments.
		description = "";		// Brief description displayed as structured text. Colored by "color", filled by arguments.
		color[] = {1,1,1,1};	// Icon and text color
		duration = 5;			// How many seconds will the notification be displayed
		priority = 0;			// Priority; higher number = more important; tasks in queue are selected by priority
		difficulty[] = {};		// Required difficulty settings. All listed difficulties has to be enabled

	// Example 1
	class TaskAssigned
		title = "TASK ASSIGNED";
		iconPicture = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\mapcontrol\taskIcon_ca.paa";
		description = "%1";
		priority = 7;

	// Example 2
	class ScoreAdded
		title = "Score bonus";
		iconText = "+%2";
		description = "%1";
		color[] = {0.5,1,1,1};
		priority = 0;
		difficulty[] = {"netStats"};