skipTime – Talk

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Revision as of 19:51, 13 August 2006 by Thobson (talk | contribs)
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To explain my most recent edit: Previously I had put in the following:

A useful piece of code that will enable the mission to skip forward to any given time, irrespective of what time it happens to be in the mission is:

skipTime (_timeToSkipTo - daytime + 24 ) % 24

This was subsequently changed to:

skipTime (-daytime + _timeToSkipTo)

That change was not correct.

To understand why this is the case imagine that _timeToSkipTo is 02:00 and that the current time in the mission is 23:30 (daytime = 23.50). In otherwords it is nearly midnight and you want to skip to the early hours of the next morning.

Using skipTime (_timeToSkipTo - daytime + 24 ) % 24 will work as follows:

_timeToSkipTo - daytime = -21.50

_timeToSkipTo - daytime + 24 = 2.50

(_timeToSkipTo - daytime + 24 ) % 24 = 2.5

So the mission will skip time 2.5 hours forward, which is correct.

Using skipTime (-daytime + _timeToSkipTo) will work as follows:

-daytime + _timeToSkipTo = -21.50

So the mission will skip backwards 21.5 hours, which is not correct.

Note that in the more simple case of _timeToSkipTo = 11.00 and daytime = 10.00


_timeToSkipTo - daytime = 1.0

_timeToSkipTo - daytime + 24 = 25.0

(_timeToSkipTo - daytime + 24 ) % 24 = 1.0

So it still works correctly.

--THobson 20:51, 13 August 2006 (CEST)