From Bohemia Interactive Community
- Description:
- Export screeenshots of objects for Eden Editor and Community Wiki to
<Arma 3 Profile>\Screenshots\EditorPreviews
See Arma 3 assets.
The file is saved into Screenshots folder in the Profile directory. The folder is by default limited to 250 MB to prevent abuse.
To increase the limit, add the following line at the end of the profile file:maxScreenShotFolderSizeMB = 2000;
2000 can be replaced by any value in MB. - Execution:
- spawn
- Groups:
- Diagnostic
- Syntax:
- [duration, type, sides, mods, addons] spawn BIS_fnc_exportEditorPreviews
- Parameters:
- duration: Number - (optional, default 1) duration in seconds for which an objects remains on the screen before its screen is captured
- type: String - (Optional, default "all") can be one of:
- "vehicles" - only characters and vehicles will be used
- "props" - only props will be used
- "all" - all objects will be used
- sides: Array of Sides - (optional, default all sides) list of sides. Only objects of these sides will be used
- mods: Array of String - (Optional, default all mods) list of CfgMods classes. Only objects belonging to these mods will be used
- addons: Array of String - (Optional, default all addons) list of CfgPatches classes. Only objects belonging to these addons will be used
- classes: Array of String - (Optional, default all classes) list of CfgVehicles classes. Only these objects will be used
- Return Value:
- Nothing
- Example 1:
// All objects [] spawn BIS_fnc_exportEditorPreviews;
- Example 2:
// All characters and vehicles. Capturing delay will be 0.5 seconds [0.5, "vehicles"] spawn BIS_fnc_exportEditorPreviews;
- Example 3:
// BLUFOR characters and vehicles [nil, "vehicles", [west]] spawn BIS_fnc_exportEditorPreviews;
- Example 4:
// Props in Karts DLC [nil, "props", [], ["kart"]] spawn BIS_fnc_exportEditorPreviews;
- Example 5:
// All objects in specified addons [nil, "all", [], [], ["A3_Armor_F_Slammer", "A3_Air_F_Heli_Heli_Transport_03"]] spawn BIS_fnc_exportEditorPreviews;
- Example 6:
// BLUFOR characters and vehicles in Marksmen DLC [nil, "vehicles", [west], ["mark"]] spawn BIS_fnc_exportEditorPreviews;
- Example 7:
// Only the B_Soldier_F [nil, "all", [], [], [], ["B_Soldier_F"]] spawn BIS_fnc_exportEditorPreviews;
Additional Information
- See also:
- screenshotConfiguring Asset Previews
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