FSM – Talk

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Revision as of 16:57, 7 December 2006 by Whisper (talk | contribs)
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OK, I know this is highly preliminary and full of assumption but I am hoping to spur some more testing or release of hard facts from BIS regarding this file structure. Heck, I am going off second hand info to get this. --CrashDome 08:06, 4 December 2006 (CET)

Hello Crashdome. From here : http://kronzky.info/misc/animals-config.zip , it looks like, at least in .cpp, the condition/actions may not be a simple script, but takes argument :

  class MoveCompleted {
   priority = 1.000000;
   to = "SetRandom3";
   class Condition {
     function = "moveCompleted";
     parameters = {};
     threshold = 0;
   class Action {
     function = "nothing";
     parameters = {};
     thresholds = {};

probably referencing a function defined somwhere else in the cpp. - Whisper 18:30, 6 December 2006 (CET)

Thanks Kronzky, but I think those are config specific and useful for addons. However, all mission examples are different and more simplistic, BUT it is still important. I wish I had a copy of ArmA to do tests. When I get one, I will elaborate - if not already done so by someone else. --CrashDome 23:41, 6 December 2006 (CET)

A first detailed view of the soldier FSM, very simplified, by SoldierIsNotHistory : http://soldierisnothistory.free.fr/OperationFlashpoint/AI_soldier.png (from arma-fr.net forums)