From Bohemia Interactive Community
- Description:
- Description needed
- Groups:
- Interaction
- Syntax:
- Syntax needed
- Parameters:
- name: String - Class name or user menu name (with "#USER:" prefix and "_#" page number suffix, where # is the page number starting with 0).
- Return Value:
- Return value needed
- Example 1:
showCommandingMenu "";
- Example 2:
showCommandingMenu "MyClassName";
- Example 3:
showCommandingMenu "#USER:Tag_Menu_myMenu_0";
- Example 4:
showCommandingMenu "RscMainMenu";
Additional Information
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- Posted on July 22nd, 2012 - 15:37 (GMT+1)
- LaKing
//This script will create a custom menu, and display it once. MY_SUBMENU_inCommunication = [ ["User submenu",true], ["Option-1", [2], "", -5, [["expression", "player sidechat ""-1"" "]], "0", "0", "\ca\ui\data\cursor_support_ca"], ["Option 0", [3], "", -5, [["expression", "player sidechat "" 0"" "]], "1", "0", "\ca\ui\data\cursor_support_ca"], ["Option 1", [4], "", -5, [["expression", "player sidechat "" 1"" "]], "1", "CursorOnGround", "\ca\ui\data\cursor_support_ca"] ]; MY_MENU_inCommunication = [ // First array: "User menu" This will be displayed under the menu, bool value: has Input Focus or not. // Note that as to version Arma2 1.05, if the bool value set to false, Custom Icons will not be displayed. ["User menu",false], // Syntax and semantics for following array elements: // ["Title_in_menu", [assigned_key], "Submenu_name", CMD, [["expression",script-string]], "isVisible", "isActive" <, optional icon path> ] // Title_in_menu: string that will be displayed for the player // Assigned_key: 0 - no key, 1 - escape key, 2 - key-1, 3 - key-2, ... , 10 - key-9, 11 - key-0, 12 and up... the whole keyboard // Submenu_name: User menu name string (eg "#USER:MY_SUBMENU_NAME" ), "" for script to execute. // CMD: (for main menu:) CMD_SEPARATOR -1; CMD_NOTHING -2; CMD_HIDE_MENU -3; CMD_BACK -4; (for custom menu:) CMD_EXECUTE -5 // script-string: command to be executed on activation. (no arguments passed) // isVisible - Boolean 1 or 0 for yes or no, - or optional argument string, eg: "CursorOnGround" // isActive - Boolean 1 or 0 for yes or no - if item is not active, it appears gray. // optional icon path: The path to the texture of the cursor, that should be used on this menuitem. ["First", [0], "", -5, [["expression", "player sidechat ""First"" "]], "1", "1"], ["Second", [2], "", -5, [["expression", "player sidechat ""Second"" "]], "1", "1"], ["Submenu", [3], "#USER:MY_SUBMENU_inCommunication", -5, [["expression", "player sidechat ""Submenu"" "]], "1", "1"] ]; showCommandingMenu "#USER:MY_MENU_inCommunication"; // Appendix, list of optional argument strings HasRadio CanAnswer IsLeader IsAlone IsAloneInVehicle IsCommander VehicleCommander CommandsToGunner CommandsToPilot NotEmpty NotEmptySoldiers NotEmptyCommanders NotEmptyMainTeam NotEmptyRedTeam NotEmptyGreenTeam NotEmptyBlueTeam NotEmptyYellowTeam NotEmptySubgroups NotEmptyInVehicle SelectedTeam SelectedUnit FuelLow AmmoLow Injured Multiplayer AreActions CursorOnGroupMember CursorOnHoldingFire CursorOnEmptyVehicle CursorOnVehicleCanGetIn CursorOnFriendly CursorOnEnemy CursorOnGround CanSelectUnitFromBar CanDeselectUnitFromBar CanSelectVehicleFromBar CanDeselectVehicleFromBar CanSelectTeamFromBar CanDeselectTeamFromBar FormationLine FormationDiamond SomeSelectedHoldingFire PlayableLeader PlayableSelected IsWatchCommanded IsSelectedToAdd HCIsLeader HCCursorOnIcon HCCursorOnIconSelectable HCCanSelectUnitFromBar HCCanDeselectUnitFromBar HCCanSelectTeamFromBar HCCanDeselectTeamFromBar HCNotEmpty PlayerVehicleCanGetIn IsXbox IsTeamSwitch CursorOnNotEmptySubgroups SomeSelectedHaveTarget CursorOnGroupMemberSelected HCCursorOnIconSelectableSelected HCCursorOnIconenemy PlayerOwnRadio CursorOnNeedFirstAID CursorOnNeedHeal
- Posted on July 23, 2016 - 14:40 (UTC)
- SilentSpike
You can combine the argument strings (see the above note) together to create OR conditions.
is true when the unit is a leader or has a radio.