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Limits or set a vehicle's speed through cruise control.
This command only works for the local player.
Unit ControlObject Manipulation


vehicle setCruiseControl [speed, autoThrust]
vehicle: Object - the vehicle to limit
speed: Number - desired/top speed in km/h. 0 to disable any setting. Negative values for reverse gear speed
autoThrust: Boolean
  • true - cruise control. The vehicle will maintain this speed until brakes is applied or driver dies
  • false - speed limiter - The vehicle will not go faster than the set speed
Return Value:


Example 1:
vehicle player setCruiseControl [50, true]; // sets cruise control to 50 km/h
Example 2:
vehicle player setCruiseControl [5, false]; // limits player's vehicle speed to 5 km/h
Example 3:
vehicle player setCruiseControl [-5, true]; // will make the vehicle go backwards
Example 4:
vehicle player setCruiseControl [-5, false]; // will make the vehicle go backwards too (speed cannot be over -5 km/h)

Additional Information

See also:
getCruiseControl limitSpeed forceSpeed


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