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Lock/Unlock stabilized camera to target. Works only on turrets which have optic mode selected with direction stabilization enabled.
The command is local to the targeted turret, not the vehicle.
Camera Control


vehicle lockCameraTo [target, turretPath, temporary]
vehicle: Object - UAV
target: Object or Array format PositionASL - use objNull to unlock
turretPath: Array - path to the turret with required camera
since Arma 3 logo black.png2.08
temporary: Boolean - (Optional, default false) if set, the syntax also works with non-stabilised turrets.
If set to true, the engine will automatically remove the lock-on once the turret reaches its target. If the target is out of turret's reach, the turret will move to the maximum of its capacity towards the target.
If temporary is not set and target is out of possible view, the turret will move to its limit and get stuck there, with blocked input.
Return Value:


Example 1:
uav lockCameraTo [vehicle, [0,0]];
Example 2:
uav lockCameraTo [objNull, [0,0]]; // unlocks the turret
Example 3:
vehicle player lockCameraTo [enemyTarget, vehicle player unitTurret player, false];

Additional Information

See also:
camTarget camSetTarget camPrepareTarget directionStabilizationEnabled enableDirectionStabilization


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Only post proven facts here! Add Note
Commy2 - c
Posted on Apr 10, 2015 - 06:54 (UTC)
The vehicle has to have a stabilized optic for this command to work with ASL position.