From Bohemia Interactive Community
- Description:
- Checks specific difficulty settings of the current user. Difficulty flag names can be found in the CfgDifficultyPresets config class or in
ArmA profile file under class DifficultyPresets
/xxx (xxx being Recruit, Regular or Veteran). This command replaces difficultyEnabled as many options have multiple values and former command only provided Boolean return./Options - Groups:
- Difficulty
- Syntax:
- difficultyOption optionName
- Parameters:
- optionName: String - difficulty option name
- Return Value:
- Number
- Example 1:
hint str (difficultyOption "friendlyTags");
- Example 2:
- Remember last cameraView per vehicle:
player addEventHandler ["GetOutMan", { params ["_unit", "_role", "_vehicle", "_turret"]; _unit setVariable [_vehicle call BIS_fnc_netId, cameraView]; }]; player addEventHandler ["GetInMan", { if (difficultyOption "thirdPersonView" == 2) then { params ["_unit", "_role", "_vehicle", "_turret"]; _unit switchCamera (_unit getVariable [_vehicle call BIS_fnc_netId, "INTERNAL"]); }; }];
Additional Information
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- Posted on March 23, 2016 - 19:06 (UTC)
- Muf
Arma 3 options:
- reducedDamage
- groupIndicators
- friendlyTags
- enemyTags
- detectedMines
- commands
- waypoints
- weaponInfo
- stanceIndicator
- staminaBar
- weaponCrosshair
- visionAid
- thirdPersonView
- cameraShake
- scoreTable
- deathMessages
- vonID
- mapContent
- autoReport
- multipleSaves