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Return a UniqueID of the given unit (player).
Prior to Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead v1.60, the result always consisted of a stringified number (see getPlayerUIDOld), but always had to be considered and processed as a String. Converting it to a Number could cause precision problems, as Number cannot accurately represent integers above 16777216 (224). Moreover, games since Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead v1.61 provide a value that is not all-numeric.
Arma 3
The returned string is the player's steamID64: private _steamProfileUrl = "" + (getPlayerUID player);
In some cases, the identity of certain player units might fail to propagate to other clients and the server, which causes isPlayer and getPlayerUID to incorrectly return false and "" respectively, where the affected units are not local - see this bug report (GitHub). Therefore, beware of false negatives.


getPlayerUID unit
unit: Object
Return Value:
String - Can be "_SP_AI_" or "_SP_PLAYER_" in SP, "" or UID in MP
  • The unique ID may be up to 100 characters long and may contain numbers, uppercase letters and underscores
  • The value can be used to construct a valid variable name by appending to another valid variable name. missionNamespace setVariable ["TAG_player" + _uid, _unit];


Example 1:
private _uid = getPlayerUID player;

Additional Information

See also:
BIS_fnc_getUnitByUID getPlayerUIDOld getClientStategetClientStateNumber


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