From Bohemia Interactive Community
- Description:
- Sets the additional text (invisible) on the item with the given position of the 2D listbox.
- Groups:
- GUI Control - ListNBox
- Syntax:
- lnbSetData [idc, [row, column], data]
- Parameters:
- [idc, [row, column], data]: Array
- idc: Number
- [row, column]: Array
- row: Number
- column: Number
- data: String - The invisible text to add
- Return Value:
- Nothing
Alternative Syntax
- Syntax:
- ctrl lnbSetData [[row, column], data]
- Parameters:
- ctrl: Control
- [[row, column], data]: Array
- [row, column]: Array
- row: Number
- column: Number
- data: String - The invisible text to add
- Return Value:
- Nothing
- Example 1:
lnbSetData [123, [0,0],"#1"];
- Example 2:
_ctrl lnbSetData [[0,0],"#1"];
Additional Information
- See also:
- lnbSetTooltip lnbAddArraylnbAddColumnlnbAddRowlnbClearlnbColorlnbCurSelRowlnbDatalnbDeleteColumnlnbDeleteRowlnbGetColumnsPositionlnbPicturelnbSetColorlnbSetColumnsPoslnbSetCurSelRowlnbSetPicturelnbSetTextlnbSetValuelnbSizelnbTextlnbValue
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