From Bohemia Interactive Community
- Description:
- Defines the different sound effects. To stop any sound, deactivate the trigger (might take up to 0.5 seconds to stop) or delete the trigger (immediate).
- Groups:
- SoundsTriggersWaypoints
- Syntax:
- trigger setSoundEffect [sound, voice, soundEnv, soundDet]
- Parameters:
- trigger: Object
- sound: String - Plays a 2D sound as if playSound was used from CfgSounds (mission or main config)
- voice: String - Attaches a 3D sound from CfgSounds (mission or main config) to the object that activated the trigger and plays it as if say3D was used
- soundEnv: String - Plays an environmental sound from CfgEnvSounds (mission or main config)
- soundDet: String - Creates a dynamic sound object attached to a trigger defined in CfgSFX (mission or main config)
- Return Value:
- Nothing
Alternative Syntax
- Syntax:
- waypoint setSoundEffect [sound, voice]
- Parameters:
- waypoint: Array - format Waypoint
- sound: String - Plays a 2D sound as if playSound was used from CfgSounds (mission or main config)
- voice: String - Attaches a 3D sound from CfgSounds (mission or main config) to the object that activated the trigger and plays it as if say3D was used
- Return Value:
- Nothing
- Example 1:
- Copy_trigger setSoundEffect ["Alarm", "", "", ""];
- Example 2:
- Copy[_group1,2] setSoundEffect ["Alarm", ""];
- Example 3:
- Copy_trigger setSoundEffect ["", "Alarm", "", ""];
- Example 4:
- Copy_trigger setSoundEffect ["", "", "BattlefieldExplosions3", ""];
- Example 5:
- Copy_trigger setSoundEffect ["", "", "", "Owl"];
Additional Information
- See also:
- createTrigger setMusicEffect setTitleEffect
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- Posted on October 2, 2013
- Neokika
To avoid having to create a dummy sound definition, you can use $NONE$ instead.
Copyprivate "_trigger"; _trigger = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", position player]; _trigger setTriggerStatements ["true", "", ""]; _trigger setSoundEffect ["$NONE$", "", "BattlefieldExplosions3", ""];
- Posted on March 7, 2012
- old_man_auz
When using this function, I found that if the parameter sound was empty, then you would always get a 'Sound not found' error. The following code fixes this problem. You need to create a dummy sound. This is what example 3 is hinting towards.
(code sample above written by 'CarlGustaffa' on the Bohemia Interactive forums.)
script.sqf:_trigger = createTrigger [ "EmptyDetector" , _position ]; _trigger setTriggerStatements [ "true" , "" , "" ]; _trigger setSoundEffect [ "NoSound" , "" , "" , "Wind2_EP1" ];
- Scripting Commands
- Introduced with Armed Assault version 1.00
- ArmA: Armed Assault: New Scripting Commands
- ArmA: Armed Assault: Scripting Commands
- Arma 2: Scripting Commands
- Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead: Scripting Commands
- Take On Helicopters: Scripting Commands
- Arma 3: Scripting Commands
- Command Group: Sounds
- Command Group: Triggers
- Command Group: Waypoints