From Bohemia Interactive Community
Where are my trusty sidearm pistol and K-bar knife?
How do I use the scope on the M21 sniper rifle?
How do I use the scope on the Dragunov sniper rifle?
Why can't I fire my M16 on full-automatic? I only have semi-automatic!
Can I walk, rather than run, while carrying my weapon in hand?
I'm a sharp-shooter so why can't I hit the side of a barn with OFP's guns?
Why do the mines I lay down not go off when walked or driven on?
Everything you've always wanted to know about bullet tracers but were afraid to ask.
How can I drop an AT or RPG launcher?
Can a Scud missile be aimed and fired?
Real LAWs are not reloadable. How come OFP's is?
Every time I use the Laser Target Designator (LTD), I crash to desktop (CTD)!
How to use satchel charges.
Which AT and RPG weapons in OFP are guidable?
How do you use the laser target designator (LTD)?
Do smoke grenades really give me cover?
Why don't I see a red dot or square when I aim the laser target designator (LTD)?
Is there wind in OFP and does it affect bullet trajectory?
I need to reorganize my ADDONS folder. Is there a list of the official addon file names?
Does the amount of munitions or fuel in a vehicle affect the intensity of such a vehicle's explosion?
Why is my weapon permanently displaying muzzle flash, even when not being fired?
Are there any artillery cannons in OFP?
Are there any firing characteristic differences between OFP's AK47, AK74 and M16 rifles?
Which missiles and rockets can I use to lock onto which targets?