From Bohemia Interactive Community
- Description:
- Creates or registers location logics (used in various modules, like Ambient Civilians, Ambient Civilian Vehicles or Warfare 2).
Upon registering, function will set following variables into location logic's variable space:
- "class" - unique class of location (either BIS_loc_<configname> or BIS_loc_custom_<ID>)
- "name" - name of location from config or setName command. If none is defined, class is used
- "type" - config type
- "neighbors" - config defined neighbor locations
- Execution:
- call
- Groups:
- Systems
- Syntax:
- [type(s),area,debug] call BIS_fnc_locations
- Parameters:
- type(s): String or Array of strings
- area: Array in format [center,distance]
- debug: (Optional): Boolean
- Return Value:
- Array - List of registered locations
Alternative Syntax
- Syntax:
- [objects] call BIS_fnc_locations
- Parameters:
- objects: Array of Objects or Locations - list of specific locations to be registered
- Return Value:
- Array - List of registered locations
- Example 1:
["CityCenter",position player,1000]] call BIS_fnc_locations;
- Example 2:
[["acityc_dolina"]] call BIS_fnc_locations;
- Example 3:
[[myLocation1,myLocation2],[],true] call BIS_fnc_locations;
Additional Information
- See also:
- Functions Library
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- Posted on May 31, 2009 - 15:15
- Str
- You can also use "" call BIS_fnc_locations for quick debug of all locations on landscape