SQF Highlighter – Extension
From Bohemia Interactive Community
SQF Highlighter | |
Description | Highlights and links SQF commands and functions |
Author | Lou Montana |
Project Start | 2022-03-08: Project start |
Release Date |
Version | 0.85b |
This extension highlights and automatically links SQF commands and functions. It also covers SQS (free of charge).
- SQF Syntax support
- SQS Syntax support
- "Copy code to clipboard" button on hover
- #defined constant value on mouse hover
- SQF tag button in the wiki edit toolbar (next to B and I)
- Options:
- inline for inline code
- notrim to remove the auto trim (lines themselves will always be rtrimmed)
- Unzip the directory to wiki
/extensions /SQFHighlighter - Add
wfLoadExtension( 'SQFHighlighter' );
to LocalSettings.php - There are no settings - the extension creates full path links unless the host is one of the following (then relative links are created):
- community.bistudio.com
- community.bohemia.net
Using <sqf> tags will auto-generate syntax highlighting and links to the pages.
SQF Syntax | |
Code | Result |
-no SQF code provided-
-no SQF code provided-
<sqf> </sqf>
-no SQF code provided-
<sqf>hint "It Works!";</sqf>
This is <sqf inline>hint "It Works!";</sqf> absolutely inline.
This is chint "It Works!"; absolutely inline. |
<sqf notrim>
hint "It Works!";
// your code here
hint "good!";
#define fadeInDuration 3
waitUntil { not alive player };
cutText ["", "Black", playerRespawnTime];
private _deathTime = time;
Deaths = Deaths + 1;
wait for resurrection
waitUntil { alive player && { preloadCamera getPosATL player } };
sleep 3;
cutText ["Welcome!", "Black in", fadeInDuration];
// after 10s, end the mission
sleep 10;
[] call BIS_fnc_endMission;
#define fadeInDuration 3
waitUntil { not alive player };
cutText ["", "Black", playerRespawnTime];
private _deathTime = time;
Deaths = Deaths + 1;
wait for resurrection
waitUntil { alive player && { preloadCamera getPosATL player } };
sleep 3;
cutText ["Welcome!", "Black in", fadeInDuration];
// after 10s, end the mission
sleep 10;
[] call BIS_fnc_endMission; |
SQS Syntax | |
Code | Result |
-no SQS code provided-
-no SQS code provided-
<sqs> </sqs>
-no SQS code provided-
<sqs>hint "It Works!"</sqs>
This is <sqs inline>hint "It Works!"</sqs> absolutely inline.
This is chint "It Works!" absolutely inline. |
<sqs notrim>
hint "It Works!";
@ alive player
; you ok
hint "OK"
@ not alive player
hint "you ded"
; you not ok
goto "loop"
CSS Classes
All elements are <span> but the parent block that is a <div>.
Element | CSS class | Overview |
parent block | sqfhighlighter-block | |
error message | sqfhighlighter-error | -no SQF code provided- -no SQS code provided-
comment | sqfhighlighter-comment | Copy
// comment
this is
a multiline
*/ |
string | sqfhighlighter-string | Copy
"string" |
number | sqfhighlighter-number | Copy
10e10 |
operator | sqfhighlighter-operator | |
keyword (if, then, waitUntil, etc) | sqfhighlighter-keyword | |
command | sqfhighlighter-command | |
function | sqfhighlighter-function | |
external function | sqfhighlighter-function-ext | Copy
// not just considering BIS_ or BIN_
TAG_fnc_spawnGroup |
local variable | sqfhighlighter-localvar | Copy
_localVar |
global variable | sqfhighlighter-globalvar | |
macro | sqfhighlighter-macro | Copy
#define myVar 1
#endif |
constant (#defined value) | sqfhighlighter-const | Copy
// anything #defined only
#define testVar 1
array start ([) | sqfhighlighter-arraystart | Copy
[... |
array end (]) | sqfhighlighter-arrayend | Copy
...] |
code start ({) | sqfhighlighter-codestart | Copy
{... |
code end (}) | sqfhighlighter-codeend | Copy
...} |
parenthese start ({) | sqfhighlighter-parenthesestart | Copy
(... |
parenthese end (}) | sqfhighlighter-parentheseend | Copy
...) |
Known Issues
Version | Issue | Report Date | Fix Date |
v1 | comment blocks still highlight words as global variables for now | 2022-03-15 | 2022-03-17 |
#if are considered as keywords | 2022-03-15 | 2022-03-17 | |
single-quote strings have issues with other formatting between quotes | 2022-03-15 | w/ v2 | |
negative numbers should see the minus sign coloured as well in the end, they should not |
2022-03-15 | 2022-03-17 | |
numbers in variables are highlighted as numbers (e.g unit1) | 2022-03-22 | w/ v2 | |
v2 | preprocessor instructions are not considered if not at the very beginning of the line (and the parsing of the whole line may be wrong) | 2022-07-11 | 2022-07-12 |