25. Dywizja Kawalerii Powietrznej

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Template:Infobox squad 25DKP (25. Dywizja Kawalerii Powietrznej - 25th Division of Air Cavalry) is a Polish Operation Flashpoint / Armed Assault clan.

25dkp clan logo.jpg

The name 25. Dywizja Kawalerii Powietrznej means 25th Division of Air Cavalry and is a name of a historical Polish cavalry unit (1918-45), which fought for Poland during WWII.

25dkp clan logo.jpg

Our clantag is [25DKP]. We also use Brigades' and Regiments' symbols behind our nicks. So our in-game nickname looks like:

[25DKP] Nickname (1)

(1) stands for 1. Brygada (1st Brigade). We also use (2) - 2. Brygada (2nd Brigade), (RW) - Regiment Wsparcia (Support Regiment) and (GD)/(1G)/(2G) - Generał Dywizji / Generał 1. Brygady / Generał 2. Brygady (lit. General of Division / General of 1st Brigade / General of 2nd Brigade). Description of our whole structure is mentioned below.

25dkp clan logo.jpg

We are a Polish clan which consists mostly of Polish players or at least people who speak / understand basic Polish (like out Czech member, who managed to learn Polish during his stay in 25DKP :P). Our aim is to gather OFP / ArmA players, who love these games and to give them a pleasure by playing in the team. We focus on professional, complex tactics and playing in leagues which support vast and complicated maps. We play in leagues not only to have fun but to win as well. We never give up.

25dkp clan logo.jpg


  • Polish Smookie - Clan Leader
Name: Paweł; Age: 17; Location: Łódź, Poland;
In clan since: 07.2003; Matches played: 256; Previous clans: Polish 25DKP, International SODKP*.

1st Brigade

  • Polish Elej - War Manager, Public Relations
Name: Przemysław; Age: 18; Location: Łódź, Poland;
In clan since: 09.2003; Matches played: 236; Previous clans: Polish 25DKP, International SODKP*.
  • Polish Guma - Recruiter
Name: Kamil; Age: 15; Location: Wołomin, Poland;
In clan since: 02.2004; Matches played: 91; Previous clans: Polish 25DKP, International SODKP*.
  • Polish Kuba - Recruiter
Name: Jakub; Age: 15; Location: Poznań, Poland;
In clan since: 08.2006; Matches played: 11; Previous clans: ---.
  • Polish Pawlak - Tactician
Name: Artur; Age: 20; Location: Warsaw, Poland;
In clan since: 09.2003; Matches played: 152; Previous clans: Polish 25DKP, International SODKP*.
  • Czech XO (suspended) - Tactician
Name: František; Age: 21; Location: Petřvald, Czech Rep.;
In clan since: 09.2004; Matches played: 57; Previous clans: Polish 25DKP, International SODKP.
  • Polish Zabix (suspended) - Recruiter
Name: Kamil; Age: 17; Location: Warsaw, Poland;
In clan since: 04.2004; Matches played: 173; Previous clans: Polish SNT KT, Polish 25DKP, International urAnium, International SODKP*.

2nd Brigade

  • Polish CharleS
Name: Karol; Age: 17; Location: Nowa Dęba, Poland;
In clan since: 01.2005; Matches played: 40; Previous clans: Polish 1DSZR, Polish PSA, Polish SAS, Polish 25DKP, International SODKP*, Polish MCA.
  • Polish Devek
Name: Paweł; Age: 18; Location: Szczecin, Poland;
In clan since: 02.2004; Matches played: 73; Previous clans: ---.
  • Estonian EstoS
Name: Aleksandr; Age: 16; Location: Tallinn, Estonia;
In clan since: 10.2006; Matches played: 2; Previous clans: Estonian Estonia, Russian Nasha Armia, Russian North, Russian Russian Legion.
  • Russian Spy
Name: ; Age: ; Location: Sankt Petersburg, Russia;
In clan since: 10.2006; Matches played: 3; Previous clans: .

Support Regiment

  • Polish Czubaka
  • Polish Dario
  • Polish Dino
  • Polish Edvolf
  • Polish Gregor
  • Polish HqPL
  • Polish Kickass
  • Polish MoskiT
  • Polish Vazco


* - International SODKP was a merger of 2 clans: Polish 25DKP and International SOD.

25dkp clan logo.jpg

We're open for new recruits who want to learn how to play and more experienced plyers who want to improve their skills and use them in action. We've recently started recruting people for Armed Assault and stopped Operation Flashpoint recrutation.


  • An original copy of Armed Assault;
  • TeamSpeak2 program http://www.teamspeak.org
  • A microphone;
  • Fast Internet connection (at least 256 kb/s);
  • Free evening time to play (at least 3 times in a week);
  • Ability of speaking Polish or at least basic knowledge about the language and willingness to learn it :P

Additional requrements (not necessary)

  • At least 15-years-old;
  • Ability of speaking at least basic English;
  • Experience from Operation Flashpoint (especially from MultiPlayer)

If you fullfil these requirements and you want to join us, contact one of our Recruiting Officers:

  • Elej (War Arranger, PR) - GG: 8888980, MSN: elej1@o2.pl
  • Guma (Recruiter) - GG: 3377011, MSN: bse1@o2.pl
  • Smookie (Clan Leader) - GG: 1179347, MSN: smookie2@wp.pl
  • Zabix (Recruiter) - GG: 1210680, MSN: zabix@aster.pl

or fill our [http://www.25dkp.f2z.pl/modules.php?name=vWar