Animation Export Profiles – Arma Reforger

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Export profiles define set of bones that are exported from MotionBuilder or 3ds Max. Their default location is \A4Data\anims\export_profiles.

Arma Reforger default data does not contain any export profiles; some are provided along Enfusion Blender Tools ( - see Enfusion Blender Tools - Installation.

Provided files:


Let's use FullBody_additive.apr as an example:

$animExportProfile {
 #trackCount 152
 #defaultFn "defaultFnMB"
 $tracks {
	"Scene_Root"				""						"TRG" 		$genFn { "generateSceneRootMB" }
	"EntityPosition"			"Scene_Root"			"TRA"
	"Collision"					"EntityPosition"		"TRA"
	"Hips"						"EntityPosition"		"TRA"
	"LeftLeg"					"Hips"					"TRD"
	"LeftLegVolume"				"LeftLeg"				"TRD"
	"LeftLegTwist"				"LeftLeg"				"TRD"


  • #trackCount defines the number of track lines
  • #defaultFn defines the bones' default function to be used
  • $tracks lists bones, bone's parent, export type and eventually a function reference.

Export Type

  • T means Translation
  • R means Rotation
  • S means Scale
  • A means Absolute (not additive)
  • D means Differential (additive)
TRA means Translation and Rotation, Absolute
RD means Rotation, Differential

The combination of these creates a type of animation that can be used in different contexts. For example, a walking animation would definitely use every single part of the body, so it would probably contain all of the bones in exported with TRA (Translation & Rotation Absolute).

But an animation for a reload would most likely not export the legs (Pelvis is the first bone, with no parent) the Spine bones would be exported with TRD (Translation & Rotation Differential) so that some movement from the animation playing underneath it comes through, but with the arms and fingers exported with TRA (Translation & Rotation Absolute) so that they are precise and grab exactly where the magazine/rifle/etc is.