Crash Report – Arma Reforger

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Crash Reporter

In the unfortunate event of a crash, the Crash Reporter collects crash information in order to allow Bohemia Interactive to collect and process the crash reasons.

This is an important stone in the user feedback process.


The Crash Reporter dialog offers a feedback field allowing the end user to provide details regarding the crash:

  • The most important aspect of a report is reproducibility: which relevant steps lead to this crash
  • If the reproduction is not guaranteed (e.g a "random" crash), then an accurate description of the context is welcome
  • If there was absolutely nothing relevant, just sending crash files will do
Correct Feedback Incorrect Feedback
  • 100% repro: place a HMMWV, get in as driver, then switch to any rear seat = crash
  • Using World Editor with these mods crashes on opening Everon
  • The Game Master teleported me twice in 5s, then I crashed
  • Pasting in viewport does that
  • It doesn't work
  • It crashed
  • Fix it!
Operating System Dedicated Server Game Workbench
Windows Unchecked Checked Checked
Linux Unchecked N/A N/A

The dialog allows the user to cancel report sending.

The files are automatically sent if the dialog is not available.

Logs Directory

Logs are stored in the following directory:

Operating System Logs Directory
%userprofile%\Documents\My Games\ArmaReforger\profile

See Also