parseNumber – Talk

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  • If the text does not represent a number ("abc" for example), parseNumber will return 0 (zero). It is therefore not possible to use parseNumber to determine if the string contains a valid number or not.

I beg to differ.

_stringNotContainingValidNumber = "abc";
if(parseNumber _stringNotContainingValidNumber == 0 && _stringNotContainingValidNumber != "0") then
    comment "INVALID NUMBER";
    comment "VALID NUMBER";

MulleDK13 09:26, 11 July 2010 (CEST)


Those past 3 edits make my head hurt. where did that old note come from? It went, it came, it went again... --Benargee (talk) 00:47, 3 October 2014 (CEST)

Posted on October 3, 2014 - 22:21 (UTC)
When trying to parse a string from an array, be sure to properly use parenthesis.
parseNumber _array select 0; //""Error Generic error in expression"", position: _array |#|select 0 hint format["%1", parseNumber _array select 0]; //"Error Generic error in expression", pos: _array |#|select 0
parseNumber (_array select 0); //No error