Modding/Official Tools – Arma Reforger Category

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The Workbench is the Tools suite provided on Steam for users to mod Arma Reforger. It can be found in Steam's Tools category, under the name Arma Reforger Tools.

It provides access to the following tools:

See Mod Project Setup for mod project setup information.

General Information


A Workbench link is as follows:

  • enfusion://ResourceManager/~ArmaReforger:Configs/Factions/BLUFOR.conf
  • enfusion://WorldEditor/worlds/arland/arland.ent;3458.4,34.5587,2820.21;-15.107,297.881,0
Protocol Module Addon Prefix Path Camera Coordinates Camera Angles
enfusion:// ResourceManager / ~ArmaReforger: Configs/Factions/BLUFOR.conf
WorldEditor / N/A worlds/arland/arland.ent ; 3458.4,34.5587,2820.21 ; -15.107,297.881,0

Links can be prefixed with; the Enfusion Engine website provides a redirection for platforms that do not see enfusion:// as a valid protocol (e.g Discord).