POLPOX/Sandbox2 – User
From Bohemia Interactive Community
The idea of this dic is to list frequently-used Arma related terms, and directly related to the game than Arma: Dictionary that is to mainly cover the lore terms. Not even sure is worth it to make it into two articles instead of one.
Type | Name | Meaning | Description/Notes | Scope |
Gameplay | Action Menu | The menu accessible with Scroll Wheel | Often called Scroll Wheel Menu | Arma Series (Prior to Reforger) |
Technical | Mod | Modification | AKA Addon, a set of files that modifies the game | Gaming Industry |
Technical | Vanilla | Vanilla game | Non-modded game. The term is after the “default” flavor vanilla icecream. | Gaming Industry |
Technical | Modpack | Mod pack | Repacked Mods into one Mod either with or without permission. This is not a recommended way to manage Mods since it can make bunch of issues e.g Mods version mismatch/outdated/theft. | Gaming Industry |
Hardware | HOTAS | Hands On Throttle-And-Stick | AKA Joystick. | Gaming Industry |
Technical | PBO | Poseidon B something O something | A data file format for Arma games | Arma Series (Prior to Reforger) |
Technical | SQF | Status Quo Function | A script language for Arma games | Arma Series (Prior to Reforger) |
Technical | SQS | Status Quo Script | A script language for Arma games | Arma Series (Prior to Reforger) |
Technical | PAA | Poseidon A something A something | A texture file format for Arma games | Arma Series (Prior to Reforger) |
Technical | P3D | Poseidon 3D? | A mesh/model file format for Arma games | Arma Series (Prior to Reforger) |
Gameplay | Scenario | A scenario file or a scenario itself. AKA mission. | Arma Series | |
Gameplay | Terrain | A terrain is the field you play on. Eg. Altis, Chernarus, Everon. Not to be confused with a scenario. AKA map. | Arma Series |