25. Dywizja Kawalerii Powietrznej

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25. Dywizja Kawalerii Powietrznej
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Former members
AND, Andy, Art, Brucce, Carlos, Cezarix, CrazySlimak, Czubaka, DaVid, Dino, DudiK, EAGLEone, Grabarz^^, Hummel, Lechu (aka Rambo), lil_mikey, Lukeo, madMax, Maniek, Pietro, PL-24, Pons, Resak, RIP, Rogal, Sawik, DutchScan, Silent, Stalker, Stars, CzechTrewyk, CzechUvalak, CzechVilda, Wombat, CzechXO, XtR, Yaroo, Zabix
listed here
24.07.2003 by Smookie, Grabarz^^

25DKP (25. Dywizja Kawalerii Powietrznej - 25th Division of Air Cavalry) is a Polish Operation Flashpoint / Armed Assault clan.

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The name 25. Dywizja Kawalerii Powietrznej means 25th Division of Air Cavalry and is a name of a historical Polish cavalry unit (1918-45), which fought for Poland during WWII.

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Our clantag is [25DKP]. We also use Brigades' and Regiments' symbols behind our nicks. So our in-game nickname looks like:

[25DKP] Nickname (1)

(1) stands for 1. Brygada (1st Brigade). We also use (2) - 2. Brygada (2nd Brigade), (RW) - Regiment Wsparcia (Support Regiment) and (GD)/(1G)/(2G) - Generał Dywizji / Generał 1. Brygady / Generał 2. Brygady (lit. General of Division / General of 1st Brigade / General of 2nd Brigade). Description of our whole structure is mentioned below.

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We are a Polish clan which consists mostly of Polish players or at least people who speak / understand basic Polish (like out Czech member, who managed to learn Polish during his stay in 25DKP :P). Our aim is to gather OFP / ArmA players, who love these games and to give them a pleasure by playing in the team. We focus on professional, complex tactics and playing in leagues which support vast and complicated maps. We play in leagues not only to have fun but to win as well. We never give up.

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Structure (24th Feb 2008)


  • Polish Smookie - Clan Leader, Tactician
Name: Paweł; Age: 18; Location: Łódź, Poland;
In clan since: 07.2003; Matches played: 331.

1st Brigade

  • Polish Elej - War Manager, Public Relations
Name: Przemysław; Age: 19; Location: Łódź, Poland;
In clan since: 09.2003; Matches played: 319.
  • Polish Guma - Recruiter
Name: Kamil; Age: 17; Location: Wołomin, Poland;
In clan since: 02.2004; Matches played: 194.
  • Polish Kuba - Recruiter
Name: Jakub; Age: 16; Location: Poznań, Poland;
In clan since: 08.2006; Matches played: 100.
  • Polish Pawlak - Tactician
Name: Artur; Age: 21; Location: Warsaw, Poland;
In clan since: 09.2003; Matches played: 224.
  • Polish Ravrav
Name: Rafał; Age: 25; Location: Łódź, Poland;
In clan since: 05.2007; Matches played: 44.

2nd Brigade

  • Slovak Junior
Name: ; Age: 18; Location: Banská Bystrica, Slovakia;
In clan since: 09.2007; Matches played: 5.
  • Polish Korzeń
Name: Mateusz; Age: 17; Location: Przeworsk, Poland;
In clan since: 08.2007; Matches played: 12.
  • Russian ŚĘĄŁ
Name: Vladimir; Age: 17; Location: Sankt Petersburg, Russia;
In clan since: 10.2006; Matches played: 8.
  • Polish T2000
Name: Artur; Age: 18; Location: Jastrzębie-Zdrój, Poland;
In clan since: 04.2007; Matches played: 8.
  • Czech XO
Name: František; Age: 22; Location: Petřvald, Czech Rep.;
In clan since: 09.2004; Matches played: 69.


  • Polish Meta
  • Polish Stojković
  • Polish Szymon

* - International SODKP was a merger of 2 clans: Polish 25DKP and International SOD.

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We're open for new recruits who want to learn how to play and more experienced palyers who want to improve their skills and use them in action. We've recently started recruting people for Armed Assault and stopped Operation Flashpoint recrutation.


  • An original copy of Armed Assault;
  • TeamSpeak2 program http://www.teamspeak.org
  • A microphone;
  • Fast Internet connection (at least 256 kb/s);
  • Free evening time to play (at least 3 times in a week);
  • Ability of speaking Polish or at least basic knowledge about the language and willingness to learn it :P

Additional requrements (not necessary)

  • At least 15-years-old;
  • Ability of speaking at least basic English;
  • Experience from Operation Flashpoint (especially from MultiPlayer)

If you fullfil these requirements and you want to join us, contact one of our Recruiting Officers:

  • Elej (War Arranger, PR) - GG: 8888980, MSN: elej1@o2.pl
  • Guma (Recruiter) - GG: 3377011, MSN: bse1@o2.pl
  • Kuba (Recruiter) - GG: 3162408, MSN: sk245@wp.pl
  • Smookie (Clan Leader) - GG: 1179347, MSN: smookie2@wp.pl

or fill our application form and we'll answer you ASAP.

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  • 24th July - Smookie and Grabarz founded a clan, which promotes famous Polish miltary unit 25. Dywizja Kawalerii Powietrznej (nowadays 25. Brygada Kawalerii Powietrznej – 25BKPow).
  • 22nd August - 25DKP was reinforced by a very important person in clan's history – DudiK.
  • 26th August - 25DKP's first war in its history. Match against Polish EC Team on CTF Mokra. The result: 0:2 for EC Team.
  • 27th August - 1st Brigade was formed. Its first member was Hummel.
  • 4th September - Black clouds gathered over Poland... Pawlak became a recruit.
  • 17th September - Another important day in clan's history – clan was strenghtened by Elej, who holds one of the most important functions in clan and position of wararranger.
  • 29th September - the day of our first victory! The result: 2:1 against Polish 1DSZR on CTF Mokra.
  • 22nd October - One of the most important prsons has joined us. Thankfully to Art, 25DKP has been reformed and started playing in Euro Flashpoint League (nowadays European Combat League)
  • December - All the changes made our clan stronger and able to fight with the best European teams.


  • 20th January - We've lost Art. He became a member of Polish GROM - the best Polish clan those days.
  • 27th January - 25DKP has fallen apart, because of its big problems with squad and other major difficulties...
  • 1st February - Our clan managed to rise from a very difficult situation, and started preparing eagerly to another ECL season.
  • February - March - Our preparations' result was a good apperance in ECL FlagBall Tournament riching quarterfinals. Meanwhile, beating Polish GROM, what was almost impossible those days, 7:6 after a very interesting and thrilling match on FB CarBomb!.
  • February - August - We'd been participating in ECL Summer 2004 Battle Ladder for half a year, finishing 2nd just behind Italian Tornado Squad, having 34 wins, 2 draws and 7 losses. It was a big success for such a new and not experienced clan.
  • September - 25DKP joined ECL War Ladder and TNT League.
  • 10th September - Our team was strenghtened by Czech XO, who is still with us :P.
  • November - Polish Flashpoint League season 2 had been started.
  • 17th December - a win over British Platoon BC - the last match in ECL War Ladder, which gave us the 2nd position in the ladder, what is one of our biggest successes so far. Our results: 8 wins, 1 draw, 2 losses.


  • 4th January - CharleS (Pons' younger brother) and DaVid joined our team.
  • 26th January - Our last match in TNT League. Despite playing many tense and tough games we managed to win only 1 match out of 12 matches... We were not prepared well for this league.
  • February-April - A big crisis in 25DKP - problems with squad (only 8 active players), playing official matches with disadvantage (usually 5v7). Conflicts in Polish OFP community...
  • 13th April - 25DKP has fallen apart.
  • 17th April - After a long discussion with International SOD clanleaders, both clans decided to merge. SOD had the same problems as 25DKP, so we decided to support each other and make one big clan. Many things had been changed since then - the structure, leaders, tactics... even language spoken on TeamSpeak :P. The beginning was hard but promissing.

...to be continued


25DKP merged with SOD and became SODKP with 1 official website and 1 team we became a strong clan ! In the beginning many things where doing strong .But after a while we lost our intressted in the game and only the old members of 25DKP kept playing

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We currently don't have our own gameserver but we're planning to order one in March 2008.

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Participated Leagues and Tournaments

Successes and awards

ECL Summer 2005 Skirmish Ladder Winners ECL Autumn 2005 Skirmish Tourney Winners

Operation Flashpoint

  • 2nd Place - ECL Summer 2004 Battle Ladder
  • 2nd Place - ECL Winter 2004 War Ladder
  • 2nd Place - CCL Season 2
  • Semifinal - CCL Season 2 Playoffs
  • 3rd Place - ECL Summer 2005 War Ladder Div 2
  • 1st Place - ECL Summer 2005 Skirmish Ladder
  • 1st Place - ECL Autumn Skirmish Tourney

Armed Assault

  • Semifinal - ECL First Fight Tournament

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Partners & Friends


OFP / ArmA Leagues

Information Sites


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