squad.xml – Talk

From Bohemia Interactive Community
Revision as of 03:57, 14 May 2007 by Manny (talk | contribs)
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The xml, dtd and xsl files can also be hosted on an FTP server.

It's recommended that you have a seperate login on your FTP for your squad xml files and restrict access to this folder to 'read only' with no 'folder listing'.

Read your respective FTP server softwares help information for how to configure access to the files as there are many ways one can configure the settings.

Eg. Our clan is XYZ Clan.

Our ftp administrator setup a folder on the ftp server called 'XYZTags' and created a ftp server account called XYZ with permission only to 'read' the contents of this folder and no login password.

The squad.dtd, squad.xsl and several different xml files and their respective .paa files were loaded into this folder.

The various squad members were then given urls in the following format to place in there in-game userprofiles.




Sy 10:53, 14th May 2007 (NZST)

This surely is interesting but I don't think FTP is as feasable as HTTP (more overhead, for instance). Also, most clans should at least have a webspace, but the possibility to add an FTP login isn't necessarily present. -- Manny 04:57, 14 May 2007 (CEST)