From Bohemia Interactive Community
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Ground Support
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AI Vehicle Driving
AI is able to drive all ground vehicles present in the game.
On-road ability.
Weapon Deployment
Deploy your weapon for stabilization while prone.
Use interactive bipods on weapons.
Command whole groups of AI by issuing basic commands.
Move, search & destroy, follow, and mount.
AI units can join/unjoin the group dynamically.
Health System Enhancements
New Medical items.
Multiple hit zone self-bandaging.
Better ragdolls.
Dynamically Generated Scenario
New playable solo or co-op scenario.
Dynamic objectives to complete.
Detailed compositions for the objectives.
Game Master Update
Introduction of a quick entity browser.
Ability to save filter presets in entity browser.
Interact with objects in the world (doors, pianos, radios, and most importantly, toilets).
Placing crewed vehicles.
Conflict Update
Freeform Building - Partial
Services and fortifications can be built anywhere near the supply source.
Advanced building interface
Base Seizing Overhaul
Capture bases with the "dominancy" feature.
In order to win the battle, the faction must seize and hold several strategic points.
Semi-randomized starting points – HQ positions.
Fixed number of AI defenders are spawned in the base.
Decreases the price of the deploy ticket.
Supply depot
In order to expand a base, the depot must be built up in order to store needed supplies.
Increases the basic signal of the radio.
Contact distant bases.
Build up your Main Operating Base (MOB).
Supply Management
Vehicles and deploy tickets cost supplies.
Fight for supply depots scattered on the island.
Conflict on the new island of Arland
Destroy vehicles with placeable explosives.
Plant a mine and watch as vehicles explode from user action activation.
Tweaks to the destructible system to allow more props to be destructible.
4×4 km
Summer Baltic island
Gear & Weapons
Anti-tank Mines
American rifle optics: 4×20 Carry Handle Scope
Wildlife prototype: Birds
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Air Assault
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Standard helicopter flight model.
Two transport helicopter assets.
Mounted machine guns onboard.
Controllable by players.
Pilot gear (uniform, helmet).
Unconscious state of character.
Ability to revive characters.
Ballistic Protection
New ballistic vests that provide protection against bullets and shrapnel.
Helmets provide protection against shrapnel.
World Interaction - Electricity
Full electrical network on the islands.
Buildings, transformers, and lamps are connected to mains.
Possibility to interrupt and repair the electricity distribution.
Lights in buildings.
Fuel System Update
Possibility to refuel vehicles.
Fuel nozzles.
Improved fuel consumption for vehicles.
Fuel-related assets.
Game Master Update
Placing artillery strikes, smoke shells, and other effects.
Linking waypoints with specific entities (e.g. waypoint for destroying a specific vehicle).
Conflict Update
Supply Management
The sources of supplies will be located mainly in the FIA warehouses; US and Soviet factions will need to fight for these resources.
Supply runs are needed to deliver these resources.
Two types of supplies for ammunition and building purposes.
Save Slots
Multiple Save Slots for the playable content (Game Master and Conflict support by default).
All weapons can be used for melee in the game.
Ability to attach a suppressor to a weapon. The suppressor then disperses sound differently, changing particle effects on the weapons it's attached to.
Gear & Weapons
Flares: handheld and pistol
Ballistic protection
M1 helmet
M69 flak vest
PASGT vest
6B2 Vest
6B3 Vest
Flight suits
Soviet rifle optics: 1P29
Soviet launcher optics: PGO-7V3
UH-1H (transport)
Mil Mi-8MT (transport)
S1203 Minibus
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Final Strike
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Light Artillery
Two mortar pieces.
Operable by both players and AI.
81/82mm mortar ammunition.
Deployable and assembled from three parts.
Manually operable – azimuth and elevation adjustment.
Building Destructions
Simple and advanced system of building destruction.
Explosive Charges
Remotely detonated and time-fused explosives.
Game Master Update
Sharing your saved scenarios with others.
Conflict Update
Freeform Building - Full
Bases won't have predefined places, forcing the opposing faction to locate the opponent's bases first.
Bases can be built anywhere on the islands.
The only limitation is the radio range and the number of supplies.
Conflict: HQ Role
By default, it's an AI deciding on the strategy.
HQ role defines the objectives for the faction.
A player can take over this role and decide strategic decisions.
AI units conducting the supply runs.
Dynamically generated scenario update
Enhancement of the dynamically generated content.
Tanker outfits
Light Machine gun: UK-59L
Assault rifle: M16A2 Carbine
Explosive Charges
Anti-personnel Mines
Civilian clothes
Vehicle: LAV-25
Vehicle: BRDM 2
Flatbed truck
Helicopter weapon system
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