PMC (Snake Man)

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Snake Man organized PMC in 1984, some other "activities" of our organization will not concern the casual BI wiki reader. Before OFP we were involved with Rainbow Six, Rogue Spear and Falcon 4.0 simulations. We did active multiplayer LAN gatherings and mission editing, in Falcon 4.0 side PMC is today the leading expert on developing Theaters for it. We have released Afghanistan, Europe (1985 Cold War), Operation Desert Storm, Nevada, Korea 128, Taiwan and Vietnam theaters so far.


We have been involved with OFP since its first news bits got into internet. While other mod groups focused on delivering addons and modications of units and vehicles according to a certain theme, PMC concentrated on delivering missions, campaigns, islands, Vietnam mod and editing tools to the OFP community.

PMC Tactical web site and forum contains alot of information about our work, mostly its Falcon 4 related but there is also tons of material on the WrpTool forum area. We have screenshots and war stories for OFP which is interesting to see. Our forum includes general editing area for OFP, so its not just WRP editing based. If you are looking for stable site for editing discussions and help, check out PMC Tactical.

The campaigns were the most noticeable production of PMC in the early days, it all started with PMC Fury which to this date is the largest user made campaign for OFP. Our campaigns use the most common addons with the exception of PMC Fury which uses only default BIS units.

PMC Releases

PMC Armoured
PMC Beach Head (and 2)
PMC Colonel Hunt
PMC Conflict
PMC Defend Meaux
PMC Evac
PMC Hercules Rescue
PMC Mozart Classic SEAL Team
PMC Night Raid
PMC OP Liberty
PMC Saints and Sinners
PMC Search and Rescue (and 2)
PMC Shittysemper
PMC Shootout
PMC Sniper Alley
PMC Spear
PMC Strike Eagle
only to list a few...

PMC Fury
PMC Ranger Path
PMC Command Campaign
PMC Joint Justice
PMC Heros Path

PMC Rattler 25km
PMC Rugen 25km
PMC SmallVille
AEC all BIS islands combined

Vietnam: The Experience

ODOL Explorer


PMC topic on BIS forum
PMC homepage: PMC Tactical