runInitScript – Talk

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Is this really OFP command? I saw it first time today and testing it ingame have no results - init.sqs did not started. It's also not mentioned in OFP Version history. --Str 19:34, 11 September 2006 (CEST)

Localisation on Client or Server

More importantly what is the effect of localisation, does this command run everywhere or just the host executing the command ?

ie. if I run this on a dedicated server, then all kinds of madness could ensue. see also


So, does anyone know anymore about this command? I just added it to a script that gets called by the 'Killed' event attach to a unit and got CTD'd in v1.05, v1.07.5157.--Sy 13:38, 30 May 2007 (CEST)

What's the reason in this command ? Any difference with exec "init.sqs" ??? --Bdfy 31 May 2007


It works localy, so you can force it run on just the server or a specific client.


No CTD's here. But you have to be carefull when it comes to event handlers. For example OFP used to CTD if you deleted a unit from within the getin & getout events.


Not sure atm as it did execute the init script. The screen also faded to black for a couple of seconds. If anything it might be becaues a mission may have either init.sqf, init.sqs or no init script at all.At least with this command you don't have to worry about such details.
P.S Perhaps a thread should be made on the offical forums to discuss this?

UNN 23:48, 31 May 2007 (CEST)