World Editor: Wall Generator – Arma Reforger

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A Wall Generator is a generator creating entities on a line defined by a Shape.

Wall generators can be found in the Resource Browser in ArmaReforger > Prefabs > WEGenerators (mostly in Walls and Pavements) and are prefixed with WG_ for Wall Generator.

While a wall generator focuses on walls, it can actually generate any kind of entity defined in its properties (can be used to spawn elements regularly, while Prefab Generator may be more adapted for randomness e.g bush lines)


  • A Shape (polyline, spline) defining the wall's's trajectory (see Vector Tool)
    • Said shape can be either a polyline or a spline, but the spline will be considered a polyline (and not consider its curves, only its points)
    • At least two points are required
  • A wall generator entity as a direct child to this shape.


Middle Object

Middle Object

Middle Object Prefab

Place Middle At Vertex

Place middle prefab at vertex

Place Middle At Vertex Only

Place middle prefab at vertex only

Middle Object Pre Padding

Middle object pre-padding, essentially a gap between previous prefab and this

Middle Object Offset Right

Middle object offset to the side

Middle Object Post Padding

Middle object post-padding, essentially a gap between this asset and the next one

Middle Object Offset Up

Middle object offset up/down

First Object

First Object

First Object Prefab

First Object Pre Padding

First object pre-padding, essentially a gap between previous vertex first object

First Object Post Padding

First object post-padding, essentially a gap between first object and the following one

First Object Offset Right

First object offset to the side

First Object Offset Up

First object offset up/down

Last Object

Last Object

Last Object Prefab

Last Object Pre Padding

Last object pre-padding, essentially a gap between previous vertex first object

Last Object Post Padding

Last object post-padding, essentially a gap between first object and the following one

Last Object Offset Right

Last object offset to the side

Last Object Offset Up

Last object offset up/down


Pre Padding

Global object pre-padding, essentially a gap between previous prefab and this

Post Padding

Allow pre-padding on first wall asset in each line segment


Allow overshooting the segment line by this amount when placing assets

Offset Right

Objects offset to the side

Offset Up

Object offset up/down

Wall Groups

Contains wall groups which group Wall/Weight/Pre Padding/Post Padding


Pre Pad First

Allow pre-padding on first wall asset in each line segment

Exact Placement

Copy the polyline precisely while sacrificing wall assets contact

Start From The End

Start the wall from the other end of the polyline

Use X As Forward

Rotate object so that its X axis is facing in the direction of the polyline segment

Rotate 180

Rotate object 180° around the Yaw axis

Use For Very Small Objects

If you want to generate objects smaller than 10 centimetres


Draw developer debug

Snap To Terrain

Whether or not walls should be snapped to the terrain