Capture & Hold Setup – Arma Reforger
Setting up a new Capture & Hold scenario based is easy, thanks to the Prefab system and already existing base world available as part of the Capture & Hold mod.
Before you start Arma Reforger Tools, you need to get the "Capture & Hold" Mod subscription:
- Start Arma Reforger.
- Enter the workshop.
- Subscribe to the official mod "Capture & Hold" by Bohemia Interactive:
- Close Arma Reforger when the download is finished.
- Open Arma Reforger Tools.
- Click on "Add Existing" to add the mod that you just downloaded.
- Add addon.gproj from the %userprofile%
\Documents directory\My Games \ArmaReforger \addons \CaptureAMPHold_591AF5BDA9F7CE8B - If everything was done correctly your Enfusion Workbench Launcher should now contain the mod and look like this:
Creation Steps
- Open Arma Reforger Tools. If this is not visible in your Steam Library, activate "tools" in the filter.
- Click on "Create New"
- Give a good Project Name like "CAH The Cowshed by xyz" so that people can search for it and also directly understand what this is about.
- Important: Don't forget to activate the "CaptureAndHold" in Dependencies.
Initial Setup
Start by opening the mod in Workbench and launch the World Editor from either the Quick Launch screen or Editors context menu.
Scenario Setup
Drag and drop the following elements from the Resource Browser into the world:
Note: The GarbageManager is not necessary anymore.
Now save the scenario and proceed.
System Test
Once done, save your changes once more and close the World Editor.
Scenario Header
To launch the scenario in-game a Scenario header (named MissionHeader) config must be created.
Exit the World Editor and return to the Resource Browser.
In the Resource Browser find your mod root directory and create a "Missions" directory inside.
Open the newly created Mission Header config.
In the World field, navigate to and select the world file. In our example it is the MyScenario.ent in the mod's root directory.
In-Game Test
Launching Arma Reforger with this newly created mod enabled should allow you to see the and launch the scenario directly:
Publish it to the Workshop
Now that the scenario can be launched from the game, only a few things remain. Testing the scenario in multiplayer is important, making sure that there are enough spawn points and other gameplay details.
Last, but not least is to publish the mod in the Bohemia Interactive Workshop for other people to see and play!
Important: Until your master peace has not been tested, you should use Visibility: "Private" (only for you) or "Test" (Test mod category that can be enabled in the Workbench filter).
Additional Information about settings
This is added as additional information so that you get up and running with a simple version first and then start worrying about the details.
Score Ending
- Hierarchy Window: Select the object "GameMode_CaptureAndHold"
- Object Properties: Select "SCR_ScoringSystemComponent"
- In the settings for "Scoring:Actions" change the Score Limit
Time Ending
- Hierarchy Window: Select the object "GameMode_CaptureAndHold"
- Object Properties: Select "SCR_CaptureAndHoldManager"
- In the settings for "End Game Duration" change the value which is given in seconds
Scoring: Multipliers
You can adjust several actions so that they will have a bigger impact on the game / scoring.
Kill Feed
It can be thrilling to leave the default values for this but for some communities the fun starts when they get more details in the "Kill Feed".
With this setting there will be no secrets about who was eliminated by whom.
Activate Unconsciousness
If you want to use it, you must activate it in the GameMode_CaptureAndHold. By default it is deactivated:
Can't initialize the game (World Editor won't start)
"World Editor and some other game depended features will not be available. But rest of workbench will be functional."
Solution: Delete the official CAH from "... \My Games\ArmaReforger\addons". If the error remains, delete all addons.
Opening an existing project but world file is not shown
You want to continue working on a project, opened it but cannot find your world file?
Solution: Is the official CAH from Bohemia in your overview of projects? Probably not. Add it again like described at the beginning of this page.
Editor crashes when using the garbage collector
Solution: Don't use it. A developer stated said that it is not needed anymore.
Repair your C&H scenario after version 1 of Arma Reforger
Sadly, with version 1 of Arma Reforger all Capture And Hold Scenarios have to be repaired and re-published.
- Open your scenario.
- Accept this message with "Yes".Place a new CaptureAndHold area as described above since it was removed while validating. Don't worry about the GarbageCollector. Its gone for good.