From Bohemia Interactive Community
- Description:
- Returns JIP ID of the persistent call generated from JIP queue for the joining player (see remoteExec).
- Groups:
- Multiplayer
- Syntax:
- remoteExecutedJIPID
- Return Value:
- String - JIP ID
- Example 1:
- Example 2:
- Copy/* Have mission with 2 players. First player starts local server and executes given code Second player joins the server and sees the 'all good' message Second player logs out First player kills 'bob' Second player joins back and sees 'removing JIP call' message Second player logs out then joins back it, no message as call was removed */ private _fnc = { if (isRemoteExecutedJIP) then { remoteExecutedJIPID splitString "|" params ["_myID", "_netID"]; private _obj = objectFromNetId _netID; if (!alive _obj) then { hint "object is dead or deleted, removing JIP call"; remoteExec ["", remoteExecutedJIPID]; } else { hint "JIP call, all good, doing something"; }; }; }; private _bob = group player createUnit [typeOf player, position player, [], 0, "NONE"]; private _myID = "lalala"; private _jipID = [_myID, netId _bob] joinString "|"; [[], _fnc] remoteExec ["call", 0, _jipId];
Additional Information
- See also:
- remoteExecutedOwner isRemoteExecuted isRemoteExecutedJIP remoteExec remoteExecCall canSuspend publicVariableClient admin owner clientOwner groupOwner didJIPOwner
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