Modular Button Component Tutorial – Arma Reforger

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The Modular button component is a system which consists of a button component itself and various effects attached to it. The aim of the system is to separate the effect types (animation, opacity, color, text, image, ...) from when they can happen (on click, or hover, on toggle, on focus, ...).


  1. Create a layout containing a Button widget
    The SCR_ModularButtonComponent component is meant to be used on a button widget to control the look and properties of the underlying hierarchy, and to provide an API for other classes to interact.
  2. Add the SCR_ModularButtonComponent to the button - it is also possible to drag and drop a config of SCR_ModularButtonComponent type
  3. Add Effects to the Effects array the component provides. Effects represent the properties of widgets under the button that you want to change, and the events on which you want to change them
  4. Specify the name of the widget whose properties are to be changed, and what the new value for each state change or event should be
    • Different Effects offer different attributes, based on the type of property that will be modified.
    • Keep in mind that there is not really an underlying state machine for the button: when an event triggers, the Effect will apply the new value to the property, and that's it.
    • By using tags, you can give a custom identifier to the effects. The SCR_ModularButtonComponent API then allows you to find effects through their tags and thus control which effects should be active at a time.
  5. Define the button's behaviour
    • These settings provide useful functionalities about how the button should behave in the UI hierarchy, from flagging itself as toggled when clicked, to moving focus to itself when hovered for consistent menu navigation between keyboard, mouse and gamepad.
    • A notable attribute is the Event Return Value one, which controls how interaction events from widgets are propagated up the hierarchy: flagging an interaction will prevent the event from being propagated, which is useful, for example, when nesting multiple interactable widgets inside each other so that the ones higher in the hierarchy do not receive the events generated by the lower ones.
  6. Use the hierarchy Prefab in other layouts


The component itself is simple, it also has all the common usual ScriptInvokers for a button, such as Clicked, Toggled, Focused, Hovered, etc.

Effect Attributes

Available Effects
Class Description
SCR_ButtonEffectColor Animates color
SCR_ButtonEffectImage Sets image texture for an image widget. Supports imageset too.
SCR_ButtonEffectOpacity Animates opacity
SCR_ButtonEffectPadding Animates padding
SCR_ButtonEffectPosition Animate/set position of a widget
SCR_ButtonEffectSize Animate/set size of a widget
SCR_ButtonEffectText Sets text of a text widget
SCR_ButtonEffectSound Plays a sound
SCR_ButtonEffectVisibility Sets a widget visible/invisible
SCR_ButtonEffectSlaveButton Passes events to another button within this button


Effect is enabled or disabled. When disabled, it ignores events.


Events to which this effect listens.

  • STATE - events are always mutually exclusive. All buttons can be in one of these states: DEFAULT, HOVERED, DISABLED. Toggle-buttons additionally have these states: ACTIVATED, ACTIVATED_HOVERED.
  • EVENT - events are not exclusive and can happen in any combinations: CLICKED, FOCUS_GAINED, FOCUS_LOST, TOGGLED_ON, TOGGLED_OFF.

Input Devices

Input devices which this effect listens to. This is useful to implement different behaviour for gamepad and mouse control schemes.

Widget Name

The name of widget which will be affected by this effect. Not all effects are required to have it. For instance, a Play Sound effect doesn't interact with any widgets.


An effect can have many string tags. You can enable/disable/find effects by their tags. It is useful for more complex behaviours, for instance if a button must operate in multiple modes.

Event-Specific Attributes

Typically effects should have an attribute per each event type. For instance, Color Effect will have 10 color attributes - one for each event type.

Effect Title

The effect's title sums up its properties, generated based on its settings, e.g:

armar-modular button component effect title.png

Runtime API

Tags are very powerful when you need to implement many operation modes on the same button. You can just predefine different effects in layout and enable or disable them at runtime:

SCR_ButtonEffectBase FindEffect(string tag) // returns first effect with given tag array<SCR_ButtonEffectBase> FindAllEffects(string tag) // returns all effects with given tag array<SCR_ButtonEffectBase> GetAllEffects() // returns all effects void SetEffectsWithAnyTagEnabled(array<string> tags) // enables all effects with at least one of the provided tags. Other effects are disabled. void SetAllEffectsEnabled(bool enable) // enables or disables all effects

You might need to change button effect's values to something that cannot be predefined. In this case, call ceffect.PropertiesChanged() after modifying properties, they will be re-applied according to the current state.