First Aid – Arma 2
From Bohemia Interactive Community
Note: this page is a work-in-progress! More info to follow as soon as possible.
DO NOT USE THE FA MODULE WITH THE AIS it is redundant and can cause problems.
First Aid is set of 3 modules:
- First Aid: Simulation (Alternative Injury Simulation)
- First Aid: Battlefield Clearance (Battlefield Clearance)
- First Aid: Action (First Aid)
First Aid: Simulation (AIS - Alternative Injury Simulation)
- adds agony state - unit is incapacitated to some degree (no commanding, no actions, limited movement) - but can move slowly on ground and even shoot
- simulates bleeding (if healed by other unit, bleeding is healed first - so, partially healed unit will stay in agony, but is not going to die)
- adds action to take out units in agony from vehicle
- uses "handleDamage" EH - using this AIS receives from engine damage that is going to be applied to object, after evaluation of conditions, wanted damage is returned back to engine
First Aid: Action (FA - First Aid)
- adds new first aid action, animations and logic
- This module is launched automatically by AIS module
- in theory (after some additional tuning) it can be used without AIS
First Aid: Battlefield Clearance (BC - Battlefield Clearance)
- adds actions and logic for dragging and carrying of units in agony (AIS) and units that cannot stand (even without AIS)
- uses setPos for moving dragged (planned conversion to attachTo - still there is problem: dragged must copy terrain slope)
- uses attachTo for snapping carried to carrier
Use synchronize (default F5 in editor)
- synchronize AIS with group leader
- synchronize BC with group leader
- You can use AIS allso on enemy AI groups
Fixed (1.03): healing scripts running twice if FA module used together with AIS.