Red Hammer: Walkthrough – Operation Flashpoint

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Red Hammer


  • -missing-

Location: Lighthouse in east coast

Time: ???? hours.

This is straightforward fighting. You will encounter lot of enemies, but luckily you're attacking with force. Commanders seem to be rushing first and get killed often. You will run out of ammo due to number of enemies, find nearest KIA comrade and take his ammo.



  • Find the communications center in Meaux and end the rebel uprising here
  • Curtail the militia meeting in Saint Philippe
  • Capture and secure the Militia Training installation
  • Secure the airfield

Location: Tyrone

Time: 0930 hours.

First clean up Meaux. There will be a lot of civilians. Don't shoot anybody without a gun. After Meaux you will get a promotion and need to lead your men to Saint Philippe. In the fields you will encounter a number of enemy soldiers. Clean Saint Philippe from enemy soldiers. Instruct your reinforcements to ride the truck near the Militia Traincing center and wait for them to arrive. Attack with full force and clean the camp. Mount your men into the Ural and drive it north near to the airfield. Stop the truck at the gate and dismount. There is a number of enemies defending the airfield, clear them out.



  • Ensure Angelina errives safely in Montignac, in time to meet her flight.

Location: East coast, north of Chotain

Time: 0530 hours.

Get into ammo truck as driver. Follow the front truck quite near, if you fall behind, mission will fail. You will be ambushed in Fb44, fight the enemies. Bad news is that you are the only survivor and there is an enemy tank. It is very passive, but you need to find the RPG from a dead comrade and destroy the tank (or if you are in luck, the RPG soldier survives the ambush and destroys the tank for you). The ammo truck is out-of-order and the only working truck is locked. The civilian in the building next to the ammo truck has the keys. Drive the civilian truck next to ammo truck and Angelina will be your passenger. Drive to Montignac. There will be two soldiers in , but they are unable to harm you.



  • Defend the village from hostile forces.
  • Prevent any expenditionary force from escaping.

Location: Saint Pierre

Time: 0850 hours.

Two choppers of NATO soldiers will appear. You need to fight both. It is very important that you have Strela in your equipment. In the beginning the tent has ammo for Strela. You need a total of 4 shots and taking a moving helicopter is pretty much impossible. During the events 2 two trucks and 2 cars will pass Saint Pierre. Only the first truck will have enemy soldiers on it, the others are civilians. Wait of the relief force, mount a truck and drive north.

Beachhead Assault


  • Eliminate all enemy forces in the vicinity of the beach

Location: Beach near Chapoi

Time: 0730 hours.

You're on board of a BMP, when it hits the beach get out and fight the enemy.
