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Revision as of 13:16, 26 November 2013 by Killzone Kid (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<nowiki> {{Command|= Comments ____________________________________________________________________________________________ | arma3 |= Game name |1.06|= Game version ___________...")
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{{Command|= Comments ____________________________________________________________________________________________ | arma3 |= Game name |1.06|= Game version ____________________________________________________________________________________________ | Returns trigger timeout or -1 if countdown is not in progress. |= Description ____________________________________________________________________________________________ | '''triggerTimeoutCurrent trigger''' |= Syntax |p1= trigger: [[Object]] - trigger object|= Parameter 1 | [[Number]] - time remaining before trigger activation. |= RETURNVALUE |x1= <code>_remaining = [[triggerTimeoutCurrent]] _trigger;</code>|= EXAMPLE1 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ | [[triggerTimeout]], [[setTriggerTimeout]] |= SEEALSO | |= MPBEHAVIOUR ____________________________________________________________________________________________ }} <h3 style='display:none'>Notes</h3> <dl class='command_description'> <!-- Note Section BEGIN --> <dd class="notedate">Posted on November 26, 2013 <dt class="note">'''[[User:Killzone_Kid|Killzone_Kid]]''' <dd class="note"> Triggers have their own schedule. If you create a trigger with timeout and try to read [[triggerTimeoutCurrent]] immediately it will return -1. This is because the countdown will not start until the next scheduled trigger check is due, and this could take up to 0.5 seconds. <!-- Note Section END --> </dl> <h3 style='display:none'>Bottom Section</h3> [[Category:Arma_3:_New_Scripting_Commands_List|{{uc:{{PAGENAME}}}}]] [[Category:Scripting Commands Arma 3|{{uc:{{PAGENAME}}}}]] [[Category:Scripting Commands|{{uc:{{PAGENAME}}}}]]