ORBAT Viewer – Arma 3
From Bohemia Interactive Community
class CfgORBAT { class 7thInfantry { // Unit ID id = 7; // Unit ID type // 0 - show as ordinal number, e.g. "7th" (default) // 1 - show as roman numeral, e.g. "VII" // 2 - show as NATO phonetical alphabet word, e.g. "Golf" // 3 - show as color, e.g. "Red" idType = 0; // Unit side from CfgChainOfCommand >> Sides side = "West"; // Unit size from CfgChainOfCommand >> Sizes size = "Division"; // Unit type from CfgChainOfCommand >> Types type = "HQ"; // Unit insignia, displayed in ORBAT background and in tooltip insignia = "\ca\missions_f\data\orbat\7thInfantry_ca.paa"; // Insignia image color, white by default // Can be either RGBA array, or class from CfgMarkerColors colorInisgnia[] = {0,0,1,1}; // Name of unit commander // - can be either direct name, or class from CfgWorlds >> GenericNames (random name from the list is then selected) commander = "Armstrong"; // Rank of unit commander (by default selected based on unit size) commanderRank = "GENERAL"; // Group tags. When opening ORBAT viewer, user can define what tags will be accepted. tags[] = {BIS,USArmy,Kerry,Hutchison,Larkin}; // ALTERNATIVE SETTINGS // Custom text and short text, can still use some arguments when defined: // %1 - ID (e.g. "7th") // %2 - Type (e.g. "Infantry") // %3 - Size (e.g. "Division") text = "%1 Combat Technology Research %3"; textShort = "%1 CTR %3"; // Custom texture, will replace icon set by 'type' param. texture = "\ca\missions_f\data\orbat\customTexture_ca.paa"; // Custom color, will replace color set by 'side' param. // Can be either RGBA array, or class from CfgMarkerColors color[] = {0,0,1,1}; // Subordinates, searched on the same level as this class. subordinates[] = {2ndBCT}; // When 'subordinates' are missing, child classes will be used. They can have their own subs - number of tiers is not limited. class 1stBCT { id = 1; type = "Armored"; size = "BCT"; side = "West"; commander = "NATOMen"; tags[] = {"BLUFOR", "USArmy","Kerry"}; }; }; class 2ndBCT { }; };
Possible values of side attribute:
- West
- East
- Resistance
- Civilian
- Unknown
Possible values of size attribute:
- FireTeam
- Squad
- Section
- Platoon
- Company
- Troop
- Battalion
- Squadron
- Regiment
- Brigade
- Division
- Corps
- Army
- ArmyGroup
Possible values of type attribute:
- Unknown
- Infantry
- MotorizedInfantry
- MechanizedInfantry
- Armored
- Recon
- Cavalry
- Airborne
- Helicopter
- CombatAviation
- AttackRecon
- GeneralSupport
- Assault
- AviationSupport
- Fighter
- Medical
- Artillery
- Mortar
- HQ
- Support
- Maintenance
- Service
- Maritime
Possible values of rank attribute:
- Private
- Corporal
- Sergeant
- Lieutenant
- Captain
- Major
- Colonel
Module Parameters
The group you want this module to display.
missionconfigfile >> "CfgORBAT" >> "unitClassName" >> "subordinateUnitClassName"
CfgORBAT Ceiling
The highest superior unit to display in the ORBAT viewer while this group is selected.
missionconfigfile >> "CfgORBAT" >> "unitClassName"
Max. Tiers
- To make the ORBAT icon follow a unit during a mission, simply Synchronise (F5) the module to the group leader.