Dynamic Groups – Arma 3

From Bohemia Interactive Community
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-wrong parameter ("A3") defined!-[[:Category:Introduced with A3 version 1.42|1.42]]


This page contains basic informations about how to use the system in your missions.

This system is not considered done and it is still subject to change.

It may change rapidly, use it carefully on your own risk.
Dynamic Groups
Dynamic Groups


To add Dynamic Groups functionality to your mission do the following steps:


Create a file in your mission root folder and name it initServer.sqf (if you don't have it there already). This file is executed only on the server, when the mission starts. Onto this file, copy & paste the following line, which will make the server initialize the Dynamic Groups framework.

["Initialize"] call BIS_fnc_dynamicGroups; // Initializes the Dynamic Groups framework

["Initialize", [true]] call BIS_fnc_dynamicGroups; // Initializes the Dynamic Groups framework and groups led by a player at mission start will be registered

Note that, this function has no effect if called in a machine which is not the server.


Create another file in your mission root folder and name it initPlayerLocal.sqf. (if you don't have it there already). This file is executed only by machines which have a human player when the mission starts, which means everyone but a dedicated server, will actually execute this file. Onto this file, copy & paste the following line, which will make a client/player initialize the Dynamic Groups framework.

["InitializePlayer", [player]] call BIS_fnc_dynamicGroups;

Accessing the Dynamic Groups interface

The Dynamic Groups interface is tied to TeamSwitch action, and it's default state keyboard key is T.