lock – Talk

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The 'al' and 'gl' cannot both be true, I think. --MaHuJa 00:01, 1 March 2007 (CET)

Incorrect parameter?

In my experience with this command using a lock value of 2 prevents players from entering and exiting a vehicle, while a value of 3 doesn't. However I'm hesitant to change the page since it's been like this for so long (I'm also not sure what a value of 3 actually does). Can someone also confirm please?

Branch: Arma 3 1.66 stable --SS (talk) 22:55, 16 December 2016 (CET)

Both lock 2 and 3 stop player from entering vehicle for me. Do you have repro? Killzone Kid (talk) 13:27, 17 December 2016 (CET)