ArmA Satire Studios

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ArmA Satire Studios


2D Mondkalb
3D Mondkalb
Code Mondkalb
Released ASSRC1B1P1: 22nd May 2009
Release date 27th May 2009
Version 1.01.000042
Link [Arcor Mirror 2,7 MB]

ArmA Satire Studios (ASS) is modification of Armed Assault which adds new unique units and features.


The ASS were founded in early 2009 by Scruffy and Mondkalb. Intention of this project is to parody many common "issues" related to recent ArmA Addon releases.

Their first addon was released right after the ASS was officially founded. ASS 1 contained basics for future relases and a fully funtional tripwire.


The ArmA Satire Studios Release Candidate 1 Beta 1 Phase 1, commonly known as ASS 1, was released on 22nd May 2009.


ASS1 Packshot

The initial release contained along the basics a tripwire and a changed loading-indicator. Overall seven files were released.

  • Basic1
    • _Basics1
    • _Basics2
    • _Scripts1
  • HOLE
  • Tripwire1
    • _Tripwire1
    • _Textures1
  • UI-Module1


The Tripwire1 is a plug-and-play device that can be placed everywhere by everyone who posesses a wiredrum. It will force everyone to fall over who crosses the placed tripwire. (see picture)


The HOLE (Highly Optimized Launching Executer) is along with the Basic1-Pack main feature of ASS1. The HOLE initializes all services to ensure maximum performance gainage while being less annoying than ever before. The HOLE keeps you informed of the current version of ASS.

Spinning banana


The UI-Module1 is the first ASS addon that changes the graphical user interface. It replaces the loading indictator-radar with a spinning banana. Permanently. Period.


  • More than 3 new units, vehicles and magazines.
  • Totally reworked loading indicator.
  • Plug-and-play fun!

External links

ASS mod site

