Field Manual - Spectating – Arma 3
From Bohemia Interactive Community
Spectating 101
Spectator camera is a tool for watching the game whilst you cannot or do not want to play directly. It's often available after your death, when you wait for a respawn. It's also available on pre-defined playable slots for users who wish to observe a mission or even stream its progress.
Camera Controls
- Use [Space] to switch between unit view and free camera.
- Use [Arrow left], [Arrow right] to scroll through watchable soldiers. The selected one is marked with an icon
- Tap [M] to open the map.
- Clicking [LMB] anywhere on the map will move the free camera under the cursor position.
- Press [N] to toggle night vision.
Use [Ctrl + F1–F10] to save the currently selected soldier.
Press [F1–F10] to recall to a saved soldier.
Camera Views
Use [Enter [NUM]], [Hold Sec. Mouse Btn.] or [. [NUM]] to switch between camera views. This is consistent with other views in the game.
Camera Free View
- Move the camera with [W], [A], [S], [D], [Q] and [Z].
- Use mouse and Numpad numbers to look around.
- Tap [Num *] to toggle between moving and looking around with the mouse.
- Press [Delete] to toggle a floating mode.
- Use [F] to focus the camera on a cursor target or a position.
- Press [L] to hide the crosshair.
- Tap [Left Alt] to move the camera to selected unit's position.
Use [Ctrl + 0–9] to save current camera coordinates.
Press [0–9] to load saved camera coordinates.