Porting Guidelines Overview – Arma 3
From Bohemia Interactive Community
Infantry weapons
- Weapon attachments (add proxies, make WeaponSlotsInfo config definition, Inventory Icons)
- Adjustable sights (add selections)
- Reload animations (model.cfg definition, CfgGesturesMale anim definition)
- 3d optics
- Muzzle FX (model.cfg + config definition?)
- Smoke FX
- Stereo sounds (soundBegin, soundClosure configs definition?)
- AllowAgainstInfantry (config)
- AllowedSlots (config)
- Fatigue system (Mass in config)
- TextureType (config)
- Arma 2 Weapon to Arma 3
- Arma 3: Weapon Config Guidelines
- Arma 3: Weapon Collimator Sights
- http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?147718-Bringing-A2-weapon-addons-to-A3
- http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?149341-Arma-3-weapons-config-guidlines
- http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?184655-Preventing-skeleton-errors-in-rpt-HOW-TO
- http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?175379-Weapon-UI-Tool
Infantry units
- Clothing (remove from infantry model, make separate models/objects, assign uniform, vest and headgear in configs)
- New head/faces and sunglasses (replace head model)
- Injury selections (rename selections)
- Damage system (adjust HitPoints armor in configs)
- Engineer (detectSkill and backpack in configs)
- AA/AT (backpack in configs)
- Items and NVG (linkedItems in configs)
- Medic (items and backpack in configs)
- Command bar (picture in configs)
- Arma 3: Modding Characters
- http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?148130-Arma3-Characters-Modding-Tutorial
Vehicles in General
- Reflectors (config)
- Heat haze effect
- attenuationEffectType (config) http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?164073-Echo-issue-when-vehicle-weapons-fired
- explosionShielding (in HitPoints in configs)
- Olds-Configs-for-Newbs
- Sound volume (config) - computation unknown so far
- Randomised variations
- Light Volume Proxy for reflectors
- Custom Engine, Gearbox and Suspension:
- Driver and gunner IK (AnimatedDriverHands and AnimatedGunnerHands in configs, something? in the model)
- Mirrors
- Engine sounds
- http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?174673-Tutoria-Importing-ArmA2-vehicles-to-ArmA3
- Arma 3: Cars Config Guidelines
- https://developer.nvidia.com/sites/default/files/akamai/physx/Docs/Vehicles.html
- http://manuals.bisimulations.com/vbs2/2-00/devref/#Adding_Models/How_to/AMHT_Physx.htm
- Custom Engine, Gearbox and Suspension
- Damage system
- Engine sounds
- http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?174301-Tank-porting-tutorial
- Arma 3: Tanks Config Guidelines
- http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?176585-Olds-Configs-for-Newbs
- http://manuals.bisimulations.com/vbs2/2-00/devref/#Adding_Models/How_to/AMHT_Physx.htm
- helicopterX simulation or helicopterRTD for advanced flight model and sling loading
- Pilot and gunner IK (AnimatedDriverHands and AnimatedGunnerHands in configs, something? in the model)
- Damage system (add HitFuel in HitPoints and new HitXXX classes in AnimationSources in configs, selections to be defined in the model?)
- http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?168988-AirplaneX-Sinking-into-ground&p=2565139&viewfull=1#post2565139
- http://manuals.bisimulations.com/vbs2/2-00/devref/#Adding_Models/How_to/AMHT_Physx.htm
- airplaneX simulation
- selection for wheels
- Adjusted weight in p3d?
- WingVortices effects (definition in configs)
- http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?168988-AirplaneX-Sinking-into-ground&p=2565139&viewfull=1#post2565139
- http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?172174-AirplaneX-PhysX&p=2614023&viewfull=1#post2614023
- http://manuals.bisimulations.com/vbs2/2-00/devref/#Adding_Models/How_to/AMHT_Physx.htm
Boats and Ships
- ShipX
- SubmarineX
- PhysX Geometry Lod
- Buoyancy Lod
- http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?185434-Boat-Ship-Builders!-New-wiki-entry
- http://manuals.bisimulations.com/vbs2/2-00/devref/#Adding_Models/How_to/AMHT_Physx.htm
Static weapons
- Volumetric clouds
- Improved lighting
- Ponds
- Fog