Animated Opening – Arma 3

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The Animated Opening framework allows you to easily create campaign openings by animating pictures using a timeline.


  • Easy to setup
  • Timeline based
  • Can be easily synced to music or dialogues using the timeline
  • Skippable


The framework provides the designer with simple ways to manage picture and texts and to quickly animate them efficiently. The framework also lets you organize pictures and text in layers so that you can easily manage which pictures stay on top on which stay on the bottom. It provides several ways to animate pictures: scaling, moving, rotating, blinking/pulsing and fading.



  • Enhanced version of the BIS_fnc_eventTimeline function
  • Sets up the opening
    • Initializes the animatedScreen function
    • Creates the initial black out
    • starts the event timeline by calling BIS_fnc_eventTimeline function
    • holdKey setup (for skipping the opening)


Parameter Description
timeline 2D ARRAY: see BIS_fnc_eventTimeline
pointer NUMBER: see BIS_fnc_eventTimeline
music (opt) - STRING: see BIS_fnc_eventTimeline


  • Essential system of the Animated Briefings, but the function can be used for different purposes
  • It executes the code fragments at given time (keyframes)
  • It can play the events from start or from a defined position (index)
  • It can be interrupted from outside
  • user defined code can be executed onInterrupt or onFinished


Parameter Description
timeline 2D ARRAY: array with keyframes and code to be activated at a certain time
pointer NUMBER: where to start playing (index)
music (OPTIONAL) - STRING: music to be played which will provide the sync time for the timeline
codeInterrupt (OPTIONAL) - CODE: code to be executed if the timeline is interrupted (missionNamespace setVariable ["BIS_fnc_eventTimeline_play", FALSE])
codeStop (OPTIONAL) - CODE or ARRAY: code or array of codes to be executed once the timeline is finshed. The codes are CALLed one after the other.


  • Handles pictures, texts, layers, animations
  • Provides ways to create, destroy, reset all layers
  • Can animate pictures and texts in several ways (scaling, moving, rotating, etc...)
  • Operates in different ways depending on which parameters are passed

NOTE: The suggested picture size is 2048x2048. This is to make sure it fits and looks sharp on different aspect ratios and resolutions.

Init mode

Parameter Description
mode = "MODE_INIT" Mode used for initializing the framework

(opt) NUMBER or ARRAY:

  • if Number: number of picture layers which will be created
  • if Array:
    • Select 0: NUMBER of picture layers
    • Select 1: NUMBER of text layers
    • Select 2: NUMBER of overlay layers
overscale NUMBER: layer scale
contentRatio NUMBER: layer ratio

Reset mode

Parameter Description
mode = "MODE_RESET" Mode used for clearing all the initialized layers (all pictures and texts are removed but layers will still exist)

ARRAY: array of 3 BOOL values for picture layers, text layers and overlay layers. If true, deletes the controls in these layers.

  • Select 0: reset Picture layers
  • Select 1: reset Text layers
  • Select 2: reset Overlay layers

Layer Create mode

Parameter Description
mode = "MODE_LAYER_CREATE" Mode used for creating layers containing pictures
layer NUMBER: ID of the layer
texture STRING: Path to the picture to be displayed
posCenter (opt) ARRAY: Center position of the picture in x,y coordinates
alpha (opt) NUMBER: Alpha of the picture (1 = fully visible)
scale (opt) NUMBER: Scale of the picture (1 = original size)

Layer Animate mode

Parameter Description
mode = "MODE_LAYER_ANIMATE" Mode used for animating layers containing pictures
layer NUMBER: ID of the layer
duration (opt) NUMBER: Duration of the animation
posCenterEnd (opt) ARRAY: Final position of the picture's center in x,y coordinates
scaleEnd (opt) NUMBER: Final scale amount of the picture
posCenterStart (opt) ARRAY: Initial position of the picture's center in x,y coordinates
scaleStart (opt) NUMBER: Initial scale amount of the picture

Layer Rotate mode

Parameter Description
mode = "MODE_LAYER_ROTATE" Mode used for rotating layers
layer NUMBER: ID of the layer
duration NUMBER: Duration of the animation
angleDelta NUMBER: Desired amount of rotation
angleStart (opt) NUMBER: Initial rotation amount

Layer Fade mode

Parameter Description
mode = "MODE_LAYER_FADE" Mode used for layers
layer NUMBER: ID of the layer
duration NUMBER: Duration of the animation
alphaEnd (opt) NUMBER: Final alpha of the layer
alphaStart (opt) NUMBER: Initial alpha of the layer

Layer Pulse mode

Parameter Description
mode = "MODE_LAYER_PULSE" Mode used for fading from and to different alpha values in a cyclic manner
layer NUMBER: ID of the layer
duration NUMBER: Duration of the animation
alpha1 (opt) NUMBER: First alpha value
alpha2 (opt) NUMBER: Second alpha value
cycles (opt) NUMBER: Number of cycles/times the animation will happen (a full cycle consists of the layer fading to alpha1 and then to alpha2)

Text Create mode

Parameter Description
mode = "MODE_TEXT_CREATE" Mode used for creating layers containing text
layer NUMBER: ID of the layer
text (opt) STRING: Text content
position (opt) ARRAY: Text position in x,y coordinates
color (opt) ARRAY: Color of the text in r,g,b,a format
alpha (opt) NUMBER: Alpha of the text
tagSize (opt) NUMBER: Size of the text
tagShadow (opt) NUMBER: Shadow style
tagFont (opt) STRING: Text font

Text Animate mode

Parameter Description
mode = "MODE_TEXT_ANIMATE" Mode used for animating layers containing text
layer NUMBER: ID of the layer
duration (opt) NUMBER: Duration of the animation
posEnd (opt) ARRAY: Final position of the text in x,y coordinates
scaleEnd (opt) NUMBER: Final text scale
alphaEnd (opt) NUMBER: Final text alpha
posStart (opt) ARRAY: Initial position of the text in x,y coordinates
scaleStart (opt) NUMBER: Initial text scale
alphaStart (opt) NUMBER: Initial text alpha

Create Overlay mode

Parameter Description
mode = "MODE_OVERLAY_CREATE" Mode used for creating layers for overlays
layer NUMBER: ID of the layer
text (opt) STRING: Text content
position (opt) ARRAY: Position in x,y coordinates
color (opt) ARRAY: Color of the text in r,g,b,a format
alpha (opt) NUMBER: Alpha of the text
tagSize (opt) NUMBER: Size of the text
tagShadow (opt) NUMBER: Shadow style
tagFont (opt) STRING: Text font

Create Skybox mode

Parameter Description
mode = "MODE_SKYBOX_CREATE" Mode used for looping a skybox-like texture (texture continuously translates horizontally)
layer NUMBER: ID of the layer
texture STRING: Path to the picture to be displayed
alpha (opt) NUMBER: Alpha of the picture (1 = fully visible)
duration (opt) NUMBER: Duration of the animation
The suggested picture size for skybox textures is 4096x4096. This is because the texture is usually scaled to make sure that all the screen space is covered during the translating animation.

Destroy mode

Parameter Description
mode = "MODE_DESTROY" Mode used for terminating animations and destroying all layers

BlackOut mode

Parameter Description
mode = "MODE_BLACKOUT" Mode used for fading out the screen to black
duration (opt) NUMBER: Duration of the fade out time
wait (opt) BOOL: If true, script sleeps until the fading is complete

BlackIn mode

Parameter Description
mode = "MODE_BLACKIN" Mode used for fading in the screen from black
duration (opt) NUMBER: Duration of the fade in time
wait (opt) BOOL: If true, script sleeps until the fading is complete

Setup and Usage


A Timeline needs to be prepared before calling the Animated Opening function.


  • A timeline is a multi-dimensional array in which each element consists of a time (represented by a number) and an event (a piece of code).
  • The timeline starts counting from 0 when it is created.
  • When the time specified in a timeline's element has elapsed, its relative event is spawned.
  • The timeline stops once it reaches the last element. The last element's code can also be empty if you're just using the element as an ending point.
  • The timeline can be kept in a separate file and included using #include "timelineFile.sqf"; within the file calling the animated opening.

private _timeline = [ [ 0, { [MODE_RESET, [true, true]] call BIS_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_BLACKIN, 0, false] call BIS_fnc_animatedScreen; } ], [ 1.5, { [MODE_BLACKOUT, 3, false] call BIS_fnc_animatedScreen; } ], [ 8.2, { [MODE_RESET, [true, true]] call BIS_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_BLACKOUT, 0.01, true] call BIS_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_LAYER_CREATE, C03_SLIDE1_ID_DUST, C03_SLIDE1_IMG_DUST, nil, nil, 1.3] call BIS_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_LAYER_CREATE, C03_SLIDE1_ID_OBSTACLE, C03_SLIDE1_IMG_OBSTACLE, [0.46, 0.45], nil, 1.2] call BIS_fnc_animatedScreen; } ], [12, {}] ];

The Animated Opening can be started by calling the function BIS_fnc_AnimatedOpening. Once called, the opening will start right away.

// Timeline of events private _timeline = [ [0.0, { hint "Start of the Timeline" }], [1.0, { hint "Event 1" }], [3.0, { hint "End of the timeline" }] ]; // Start the Animated Opening at index 0 // also start the "LeadTrack03_F_Tacops" audio track and sync the timeline to it [_timeline, 0, "LeadTrack03_F_Tacops"] spawn BIS_fnc_animatedOpening; // Wait until timeline is over waitUntil { !(missionNamespace getVariable "BIS_fnc_eventTimeline_playing"); }; // End Intro and start mission endMission "END1";

  • The opening can be started from a different keyframe (by passing the pointer/index), which is helpful in the development/testing phase.
  • The opening can be interrupted by using the following line of code: cmissionNamespace setVariable ["BIS_fnc_eventTimeline_play", false]


The initialization and destruction of the framework is handled by the BIS_fnc_AnimatedOpening and you will not need to deal with that.

The function initializes the following layers:

  • 15 Picture layers
  • 5 Text layers
  • 1 Overlay layer (used by the holdKey function to display the "Press SPACE to skip" text

To create and display a new picture, use the MODE_LAYER_CREATE code. You can then use then MODE_LAYER_ANIMATE mode to scale and translate it.

[MODE_LAYER_CREATE, C03_SLIDE1_ID_OBSTACLE, C03_SLIDE1_IMG_OBSTACLE, [0.46,0.45], nil, 1.2] call BIS_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_LAYER_ANIMATE, [C03_SLIDE1_ID_OBSTACLE], 8, [0.50,0.46], 1.4] call BIS_fnc_animatedScreen;

similarly, other modes can be used to rotate or fade the image.

The suggested picture size is 2048x2048 and 4096x4096 for skybox textures. This is to make sure it fits and looks sharp on different aspect ratios and resolutions.

The workflow for texts is very similar but the modes to use are different.

[MODE_TEXT_CREATE, _layer, _text, _pos, _align, COLOR_TEXT_DYNAMIC_FOREGROUND, 0, SIZE_TEXT_DYNAMIC, 0, FONT_TEXT_DYNAMIC] call BIS_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_TEXT_ANIMATE, _layer, TIME_TEXT_DYNAMIC_A, nil, 0.9, 0.4, nil, 0.7, 0] call BIS_fnc_animatedScreen;

To delete displayed pictures and text, use the MODE_RESET mode.

// [true, true]: the first true reset the picture layers, the second one the text layers [MODE_RESET, [true, true]] call BIS_fnc_animatedScreen;

Black In and Black Out modes can be used to fade to or from black.

[40.0, { [MODE_BLACKOUT, 2, false] call BIS_fnc_animatedScreen; }], [42.0, { [MODE_BLACKIN, 0, false] call BIS_fnc_animatedScreen; }]

To create an animated skybox-like background use MODE_SKYBOX_CREATE which adds and animates the texture.

[MODE_SKYBOX_CREATE, C03_SLIDE2_ID_CLOUDS, C03_SLIDE2_IMG_CLOUDS,nil, 45] call BIS_fnc_animatedScreen;

Synchronizing music to timeline events

See the Animated Briefing page for more information about the suggested workflow.