Animation Editor: Character Action Commands – Arma Reforger

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  • 0 - none
  • 1 - rack bolt
  • 2 - attach the magazine, without racking the bolt
  • 3 - attach the magazine, with racking the bolt
  • 4 - detach + attach the magazine, without racking the bolt
  • 5 - detach + attach the magazine, with racking the bolt
  • 6 - detach mag (no attachment will follow)
  • 7 - insert a single projectile (rn for UGLs)
  • 8 - remove a single projectile (rn for UGLs)
  • 9 - remove all projectiles and then reinsert them (on UGLs)
  • 10 - skip all animations and reload
Int Float Action
1 0.0 Racks the bolt on the weapon
2 N/A Inserts a mag into the gun
3 0.0 Inserts a mag into the gun, and then racks the bolt
4 N/A Removes the current magazine, and inserts a new one
5 0.0 Removes the current magazine, and inserts a new one, then racks the bolt
1 1.0 Releases the bolt on the weapon
3 1.0 Inserts a mag into the gun, and then releases the bolt
5 1.0 Removes the current magazine, and inserts a new one, then releases the bolt